Ruslan Kozhemiakin
Ruslan Kozhemiakin
National Aerospace University, Kharkov, Ukraine
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Cited by
Lossy compression of hyperspectral images based on noise parameters estimation and variance stabilizing transform
AN Zemliachenko, RA Kozhemiakin, ML Uss, SK Abramov, ...
Journal of applied remote sensing 8 (1), 083571-083571, 2014
Image quality prediction for DCT-based compression
R Kozhemiakin, V Lukin, B Vozel
2017 14th International Conference The Experience of Designing and …, 2017
Prediction of compression ratio for DCT-based coders with application to remote sensing images
AN Zemliachenko, RA Kozhemiakin, SK Abramov, VV Lukin, B Vozel, ...
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2017
Prediction of Compression Ratio in Lossy Compression of Noisy Images
A Zemliachenko, R Kozhemiakin, B Vozel, V Lukin
13th International Conference on Modern Problems of Radio Engineering …, 2016
Speckle reducing for Sentinel-1 SAR data
S Abramov, O Rubel, V Lukin, R Kozhemiakin, N Kussul, A Shelestov, ...
2017 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS …, 2017
Despeckling of multitemporal sentinel SAR images and its impact on agricultural area classification
V Lukin, O Rubel, R Kozhemiakin, S Abramov, A Shelestov, M Lavreniuk, ...
Recent Advances and Applications in Remote Sensing 11 (tourism), 13, 2018
Strategies of SAR image lossy compression by JPEG2000 and SPIHT
R Kozhemiakin, S Abramov, V Lukin, B Djurović, I Djurović, M Simeunović
2017 6th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), 1-6, 2017
Lossy compression of Landsat multispectral images
R Kozhemiakin, S Abramov, V Lukin, B Djurović, I Djurović, B Vozel
2016 5th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO), 104-107, 2016
DCT-based color image denoising: Efficiency analysis and prediction
V Lukin, S Abramov, R Kozhemiakin, A Rubel, M Uss, N Ponomarenko, ...
Color Image and Video Enhancement, 55-80, 2015
Optimal operation point in 3d DCT-based lossy compression of color and multichannel remote sensing images
VV Lukin, SK Abramov, RA Kozhemiakin, B Vozel, B Djurovic, I Djurovi
Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 74 (20), 1803-1821, 2015
Peculiarities of 3D Compression of Noisy Multichannel Images
R Kozhemiakin, S Abramov, V Lukin, I Djurović, B Vozel
4th Mediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO 2015), 331-334, 2015
An approach to prediction and providing of compression ratio for DCT-based coder applied to multichannel remote sensing data
RA Kozhemiakin, VV Lukin, SK Abramov, M Simeunovic, B Djurovic, ...
Telecommunications and Radio Engineering 75 (14), 2016
Performance prediction for 3D filtering of multichannel images
O Rubel, RA Kozhemiakin, SK Abramov, VV Lukin, B Vozel, K Chehdi
Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XXI 9643, 124-134, 2015
A Method for Predicting Denoising Efficiency for Color Images
OS Rubel, RA Kozhemiakin, SS Krivenko, VV Lukin, B Vozel, K Chehdi
35th International conference on electronics and nanotechnology (ELNANO …, 2015
Output MSE and PSNR prediction in DCT-based lossy compression of remote sensing images
RA Kozhemiakin, SK Abramov, VV Lukin, B Vozel, K Chehdi
Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XXIII 10427, 535-546, 2017
Output MSE and PSNR prediction in DCT-based lossy compression of remote sensing images
B Vozel, R Kozhemiakin, S Abramov, V Lukin, K Chehdi
Proceedings of the SPIE 10427, 11, 2017
Efficiency analysis for 3D filtering of multichannel images
RA Kozhemiakin, O Rubel, SK Abramov, VV Lukin, B Vozel, K Chehdi
Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing XXII 10004, 46-56, 2016
An approach to prediction and providing of compression ratio for DCT based coder applied to remote sensing images
RA Kozhemiakin, AN Zemliachenko, VV Lukin, SK Abramov, B Vozel
Український журнал дистанційного зондування Землі, 22-29, 2016
Фильтрация изображений, искаженных смесью сигнально-зависимых и сигнально-независимых помех
РА Кожемякин, ВВ Абрамова, СК Абрамов
радиоэлектронные и компьютерные системы 2 (54), 58-65, 2012
Filtering of Dual-Polarization Radar Images Based on Discrete Cosine Transform
RA Kozhemiakin, VV Lukin, B Vozel, K Chehdi
15th International Radar Symposium, 489-492, 2014
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Articles 1–20