Xiaolei Guo
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Cited by
A link-based day-to-day traffic assignment model
X He, X Guo, HX Liu
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 44 (4), 597-608, 2010
Bounded rationality and irreversible network change
X Guo, HX Liu
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 45 (10), 1606-1618, 2011
Pareto-improving congestion pricing and revenue refunding with multiple user classes
X Guo, H Yang
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 44 (8-9), 972-982, 2010
Properties of Pareto-efficient contracts and regulations for road franchising
Z Tan, H Yang, X Guo
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 44 (4), 415-433, 2010
Pareto-improving and revenue-neutral congestion pricing schemes in two-mode traffic networks
Y Liu, X Guo, H Yang
NETNOMICS: Economic Research and Electronic Networking 10, 123-140, 2009
Braess paradox under the boundedly rational user equilibria
X Di, X He, X Guo, HX Liu
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 67, 86-108, 2014
A strategic analysis of incorporating CSR into managerial incentive design
J Bian, KW Li, X Guo
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 86, 83-93, 2016
Bounding the inefficiency of logit-based stochastic user equilibrium
X Guo, H Yang, TL Liu
European Journal of Operational Research 201 (2), 463-469, 2010
User heterogeneity and bi-criteria system optimum
X Guo, H Yang
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 43 (4), 379-390, 2009
Optimal choice of capacity, toll and government guarantee for build-operate-transfer roads under asymmetric cost information
S Shi, Y Yin, X Guo
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 85, 56-69, 2016
Decentralization or integration: Distribution channel selection under environmental taxation
J Bian, X Guo, KW Li
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 113, 170-193, 2018
Analysis of a build–operate–transfer scheme for road franchising
X Guo, H Yang
International Journal of Sustainable Transportation 3 (5-6), 312-338, 2009
Toll sequence operation to realize target flow pattern under bounded rationality
X Guo
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 56, 203-216, 2013
Inefficiency of logit-based stochastic user equilibrium in a traffic network under ATIS
HJ Huang, TL Liu, X Guo, H Yang
Networks and spatial economics 11, 255-269, 2011
The price of anarchy of Cournot oligopoly
X Guo, H Yang
International Workshop on Internet and Network Economics, 246-257, 2005
The strategic peril of information sharing in a vertical-Nash supply chain: A note
J Bian, X Guo, KK Lai, Z Hua
International Journal of Production Economics 158, 37-43, 2014
The impact of autonomous vehicles on commute ridesharing with uncertain work end time
Y Zhao, X Guo, HX Liu
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 143, 221-248, 2021
Distribution channel strategies in a mixed market
J Bian, X Guo, KW Li
International Journal of Production Economics 162, 13-24, 2015
Profit maximization by a private toll road with cars and trucks
X Guo, D Xu
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 91, 113-129, 2016
A probability approach to multiple criteria ABC analysis with misclassification tolerance
Z Zhang, KW Li, X Guo, J Huang
International journal of production economics 229, 107858, 2020
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Articles 1–20