Sabi Redwood
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Cited by
Using the framework method for the analysis of qualitative data in multi-disciplinary health research
NK Gale, G Heath, E Cameron, S Rashid, S Redwood
BMC medical research methodology 13, 1-8, 2013
Wider collateral damage to children in the UK because of the social distancing measures designed to reduce the impact of COVID-19 in adults
E Crawley, M Loades, G Feder, S Logan, S Redwood, J Macleod
BMJ paediatrics open 4 (1), 2020
Under-representation of minority ethnic groups in research—call for action
S Redwood, PS Gill
British Journal of General Practice 63 (612), 342-343, 2013
Research less violent? Or the ethics of performative social science
S Redwood
Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research 9 (2), 2008
“It was like walking without knowing where I was going”: A Qualitative Study of Autism in a UK Somali Migrant Community
F Fox, N Aabe, K Turner, S Redwood, D Rai
Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders 47, 305-315, 2017
Does the implementation of an electronic prescribing system create unintended medication errors? A study of the sociotechnical context through the analysis of reported …
S Redwood, A Rajakumar, J Hodson, JJ Coleman
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making 11, 1-11, 2011
‘You are labelled by your children’s disability’–A community-based, participatory study of stigma among Somali parents of children with autism living in the United Kingdom
L Ellen Selman, F Fox, N Aabe, K Turner, D Rai, S Redwood
Ethnicity & health 23 (7), 781-796, 2018
Paediatric ‘care closer to home’: stake-holder views and barriers to implementation
G Heath, E Cameron, C Cummins, S Greenfield, H Pattison, D Kelly, ...
Health & place 18 (5), 1068-1073, 2012
Improving quality and safety of care using “technovigilance”: an ethnographic case study of secondary use of data from an electronic prescribing and decision support system
M Dixon‐Woods, S Redwood, M Leslie, J Minion, GP Martin, JJ Coleman
The Milbank Quarterly 91 (3), 424-454, 2013
Involving interpreters in research studies
G Plumridge, S Redwood, S Greenfield, N Akhter, R Chowdhury, ...
Journal of health services research & policy 17 (3), 190-192, 2012
Using the National Early Warning Score (NEWS) outside acute hospital settings: a qualitative study of staff experiences in the West of England
E Brangan, J Banks, H Brant, A Pullyblank, H Le Roux, S Redwood
BMJ open 8 (10), e022528, 2018
Experiences of primary care professionals providing healthcare to recently arrived migrants: a qualitative study
A Lindenmeyer, S Redwood, L Griffith, Z Teladia, J Phillimore
BMJ open 6 (9), e012561, 2016
The design of lower‐limb sports prostheses: fair inclusion in disability sport
BTJ Dyer, S Noroozi, S Redwood, P Sewell
Disability & Society 25 (5), 593-602, 2010
Proactive and integrated management and empowerment in Parkinson’s disease: designing a new model of care
E Tenison, A Smink, S Redwood, S Darweesh, H Cottle, A van Halteren, ...
Parkinson’s Disease 2020 (1), 8673087, 2020
'You give us rangoli, we give you talk': using an art-based activity to elicit data from a seldom heard group
S Redwood, NK Gale, S Greenfield
BMC medical research methodology 12, 1-13, 2012
The meaning of ‘place’in families’ lived experiences of paediatric outpatient care in different settings: a descriptive phenomenological study
G Heath, S Greenfield, S Redwood
Health & Place 31, 46-53, 2015
Crazy person is crazy person. It doesn’t differentiate”: an exploration into Somali views of mental health and access to healthcare in an established UK Somali …
C Linney, S Ye, S Redwood, A Mohamed, A Farah, L Biddle, E Crawley
International Journal for Equity in Health 19, 1-15, 2020
Health care professionals’ views of paediatric outpatient non-attendance: implications for general practice
E Cameron, G Heath, S Redwood, S Greenfield, C Cummins, D Kelly, ...
Family practice 31 (1), 111-117, 2014
“Let’s talk about physical activity”: understanding the preferences of under-served communities when messaging physical activity guidelines to the public
J Nobles, C Thomas, Z Banks Gross, M Hamilton, Z Trinder-Widdess, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (8), 2782, 2020
Ripple effects mapping: capturing the wider impacts of systems change efforts in public health
J Nobles, J Wheeler, K Dunleavy-Harris, R Holmes, A Inman-Ward, ...
BMC Medical Research Methodology 22 (1), 72, 2022
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