Thanh Tran
Thanh Tran
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The two cultures: Mashing up Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web
A Ankolekar, M Krötzsch, T Tran, D Vrandecic
Proceedings of the 16th international conference on World Wide Web, 825-834, 2007
Top-k exploration of query candidates for efficient keyword search on graph-shaped (rdf) data
T Tran, H Wang, S Rudolph, P Cimiano
Data Engineering, 2009. ICDE'09. IEEE 25th International Conference on, 405-416, 2009
Ontology-based interpretation of keywords for semantic search
T Tran, P Cimiano, S Rudolph, R Studer
International semantic web conference, 523-536, 2007
Fedbench: A benchmark suite for federated semantic data query processing
M Schmidt, O Görlitz, P Haase, G Ladwig, A Schwarte, T Tran
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2011: 10th International Semantic Web Conference, Bonn …, 2011
Linked data query processing strategies
G Ladwig, T Tran
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2010, 453-469, 2010
Q2semantic: A lightweight keyword interface to semantic search
H Wang, K Zhang, Q Liu, T Tran, Y Yu
The Semantic Web: Research and Applications: 5th European Semantic Web …, 2008
Identification and pharmacological characterization of multiple allosteric binding sites on the free fatty acid 1 receptor
DCH Lin, Q Guo, J Luo, J Zhang, K Nguyen, M Chen, T Tran, ...
Molecular pharmacology 82 (5), 843-859, 2012
Repeatable and reliable search system evaluation using crowdsourcing
R Blanco, H Halpin, DM Herzig, P Mika, J Pound, HS Thompson, ...
Proceedings of the 34th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2011
Relin: relatedness and informativeness-based centrality for entity summarization
G Cheng, T Tran, Y Qu
The Semantic Web–ISWC 2011: 10th International Semantic Web Conference, Bonn …, 2011
Blood cell images segmentation using deep learning semantic segmentation
T Tran, OH Kwon, KR Kwon, SH Lee, KW Kang
2018 IEEE international conference on electronics and communication …, 2018
The neon ontology engineering toolkit
P Haase, H Lewen, R Studer, DT Tran, M Erdmann, M d’Aquin, E Motta
WWW, 2008
Adsorption of norfloxacin from aqueous solution on biochar derived from spent coffee ground: Master variables and response surface method optimized adsorption process
VT Nguyen, TB Nguyen, ND Dat, BT Huu, XC Nguyen, T Tran, MH Bui, ...
Chemosphere 288, 132577, 2022
Hermes: Data Web search on a pay-as-you-go integration infrastructure
T Tran, H Wang, P Haase
Journal of Web Semantics 7 (3), 189-203, 2009
Lithium-ion capacitors: Electrochemical performance and thermal behavior
PH Smith, TN Tran, TL Jiang, J Chung
Journal of power sources 243, 982-992, 2013
Semplore: A scalable IR approach to search the Web of Data
H Wang, Q Liu, T Penin, L Fu, L Zhang, T Tran, Y Yu, Y Pan
Journal of Web Semantics 7 (3), 177-188, 2009
Drill fault diagnosis based on the scalogram and mel spectrogram of sound signals using artificial intelligence
T Tran, J Lundgren
Ieee Access 8, 203655-203666, 2020
Sihjoin: Querying remote and local linked data
G Ladwig, T Tran
Extended Semantic Web Conference, 139-153, 2011
Entity search evaluation over structured web data
R Blanco, H Halpin, DM Herzig, P Mika, J Pound, HS Thompson, TT Duc
Proceedings of the 1st international workshop on entity-oriented search …, 2011
Regularizing matrix factorization with user and item embeddings for recommendation
T Tran, K Lee, Y Liao, D Lee
Proceedings of the 27th ACM international conference on information and …, 2018
Lithiation of amorphous carbon negative electrode for Li ion capacitor
G Gourdin, PH Smith, T Jiang, TN Tran, D Qu
Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 688, 103-112, 2013
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Articles 1–20