Mark Fuge
Cited by
Cited by
Deep learning for molecular design—a review of the state of the art
DC Elton, Z Boukouvalas, MD Fuge, PW Chung
Molecular Systems Design & Engineering 4 (4), 828-849, 2019
Applying machine learning techniques to predict the properties of energetic materials
DC Elton, Z Boukouvalas, MS Butrico, MD Fuge, PW Chung
Scientific Reports 8 (1), 9059-9070, 2018
Airfoil design parameterization and optimization using bézier generative adversarial networks
W Chen, K Chiu, MD Fuge
AIAA journal 58 (11), 4723-4735, 2020
Aerodynamic design optimization and shape exploration using generative adversarial networks
W Chen, K Chiu, M Fuge
AIAA Scitech 2019 forum, 2351, 2019
Conceptual design and modification of freeform surfaces using dual shape representations in augmented reality environments
M Fuge, ME Yumer, G Orbay, LB Kara
Computer-Aided Design 44 (10), 1020-1032, 2012
Analysis of collaborative design networks: A case study of openideo
M Fuge, K Tee, A Agogino, N Maton
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering 14 (2), 021009, 2014
Diverse weighted bipartite b-matching
F Ahmed, JP Dickerson, M Fuge
Proceedings of the 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial …, 2017
Synthesizing designs with interpart dependencies using hierarchical generative adversarial networks
W Chen, M Fuge
Journal of Mechanical Design 141 (11), 111403, 2019
IH-GAN: A conditional generative model for implicit surface-based inverse design of cellular structures
J Wang, WW Chen, D Da, M Fuge, R Rai
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 396, 115060, 2022
Design manifolds capture the intrinsic complexity and dimension of design spaces
W Chen, M Fuge, J Chazan
Journal of Mechanical Design 139 (5), 051102, 2017
B\'ezierGAN: Automatic Generation of Smooth Curves from Interpretable Low-Dimensional Parameters
W Chen, M Fuge
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.08871, 2018
Machine learning algorithms for recommending design methods
M Fuge, B Peters, A Agogino
Journal of Mechanical Design 136 (10), 101103, 2014
Machine learning for engineering design
JH Panchal, M Fuge, Y Liu, S Missoum, C Tucker
Journal of Mechanical Design 141 (11), 110301, 2019
Pattern analysis of IDEO's human-centered design methods in developing regions
M Fuge, A Agogino
Journal of mechanical Design 137 (7), 071405, 2015
Automatically Inferring Metrics for Design Creativity
M Fuge, J Stroud, A Agogino
ASME 2013 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and …, 2013
Inverse design of two-dimensional airfoils using conditional generative models and surrogate log-likelihoods
Q Chen, J Wang, P Pope, W Chen, M Fuge
Journal of Mechanical Design 144 (2), 021712, 2022
Beyond the known: Detecting novel feasible domains over an unbounded design space
W Chen, M Fuge
Journal of Mechanical Design 139 (11), 111405, 2017
Discovering diverse, high quality design ideas from a large corpus
F Ahmed, M Fuge, LD Gorbunov
International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and …, 2016
How should we measure creativity in engineering design? A comparison between social science and engineering approaches
SR Miller, ST Hunter, E Starkey, S Ramachandran, F Ahmed, M Fuge
Journal of Mechanical Design 143 (3), 031404, 2021
Capturing winning ideas in online design communities
F Ahmed, M Fuge
Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative …, 2017
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Articles 1–20