Matthias Schonlau
Cited by
Cited by
Efficient global optimization of expensive black-box functions
DR Jones, M Schonlau, WJ Welch
Journal of Global optimization 13, 455-492, 1998
Advantages and disadvantages of Internet research surveys: Evidence from the literature
RD Fricker, M Schonlau
Field methods 14 (4), 347-367, 2002
Conducting Research Surveys Via e-mail and the Web
M Schonlau
Rand, 2002
The random forest algorithm for statistical learning
M Schonlau, RY Zou
The Stata Journal 20 (1), 3-29, 2020
Computer experiments and global optimization
M Schonlau
University of Waterloo, 1997
Androgen deprivation therapy increases cardiovascular morbidity in men with prostate cancer
CS Saigal, JL Gore, TL Krupski, J Hanley, M Schonlau, MS Litwin
Cancer: Interdisciplinary International Journal of the American Cancer …, 2007
Global versus local search in constrained optimization of computer models
M Schonlau, WJ Welch, DR Jones
Lecture notes-monograph series, 11-25, 1998
Computer intrusion: Detecting masquerades
M Schonlau, W DuMouchel, WH Ju, AF Karr, M Theus, Y Vardi
Statistical science, 58-74, 2001
Children's mental health care following Hurricane Katrina: A field trial of trauma‐focused psychotherapies
LH Jaycox, JA Cohen, AP Mannarino, DW Walker, AK Langley, ...
Journal of Traumatic Stress: Official Publication of The International …, 2010
Noncoverage and nonresponse in an Internet survey
MP Couper, A Kapteyn, M Schonlau, J Winter
Social science research 36 (1), 131-148, 2007
Predictors and prevalence of erectile dysfunction in a racially diverse population
CS Saigal, H Wessells, J Pace, M Schonlau, TJ Wilt, ...
Archives of internal medicine 166 (2), 207-212, 2006
Renal and cardiovascular morbidity after partial or radical nephrectomy
DC Miller, M Schonlau, MS Litwin, J Lai, CS Saigal
Cancer: Interdisciplinary International Journal of the American Cancer …, 2008
Selection bias in web surveys and the use of propensity scores
M Schonlau, A Van Soest, A Kapteyn, M Couper
Sociological Methods & Research 37 (3), 291-318, 2009
Mental disorders among gifted and nongifted youth: A selected review of the epidemiologic literature
LT Martin, RM Burns, M Schonlau
Gifted Child Quarterly 54 (1), 31-41, 2010
Support for students exposed to trauma: A pilot study
LH Jaycox, AK Langley, BD Stein, M Wong, P Sharma, M Scott, ...
School mental health 1, 49-60, 2009
Support vector machines
N Guenther, M Schonlau
The Stata Journal 16 (4), 917-937, 2016
A comparison between responses from a propensity-weighted web survey and an identical RDD survey
M Schonlau, K Zapert, LP Simon, KH Sanstad, SM Marcus, J Adams, ...
Social science computer review 22 (1), 128-138, 2004
Boosted regression (boosting): An introductory tutorial and a Stata plugin
M Schonlau
The Stata Journal 5 (3), 330-354, 2005
Off-label prescribing to children in the United States outpatient setting
ATF Bazzano, R Mangione-Smith, M Schonlau, MJ Suttorp, RH Brook
Academic pediatrics 9 (2), 81-88, 2009
Asbestos litigation
SJ Carroll, DR Hensler, J Gross, EM Sloss, M Schonlau
Rand Corporation, 2005
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Articles 1–20