Daniel Sıkora
Cited by
Cited by
Lazybrush: Flexible painting tool for hand‐drawn cartoons
D Sıkora, J Dingliana, S Collins
Computer Graphics Forum 28 (2), 599-608, 2009
Stylit: illumination-guided example-based stylization of 3d renderings
J Fišer, O Jamriška, M Lukáč, E Shechtman, P Asente, J Lu, D Sıkora
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 35 (4), 1-11, 2016
Unsupervised colorization of black-and-white cartoons
D Sıkora, J Buriánek, J Žára
Proceedings of the 3rd international symposium on Non-photorealistic …, 2004
As-rigid-as-possible image registration for hand-drawn cartoon animations
D Sıkora, J Dingliana, S Collins
Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Non-photorealistic …, 2009
Ink-and-ray: Bas-relief meshes for adding global illumination effects to hand-drawn characters
D Sıkora, L Kavan, M Čadík, O Jamriška, A Jacobson, B Whited, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 33 (2), 1-15, 2014
Example-based synthesis of stylized facial animations
J Fišer, O Jamriška, D Simons, E Shechtman, J Lu, P Asente, M Lukáč, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 36 (4), 1-11, 2017
Stylizing video by example
O Jamriška, Š Sochorová, O Texler, M Lukáč, J Fišer, J Lu, E Shechtman, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 38 (4), 1-11, 2019
Adding depth to cartoons using sparse depth (in) equalities
D Sıkora, D Sedlacek, S Jinchao, J Dingliana, S Collins
Computer Graphics Forum 29 (2), 615-623, 2010
Cache-efficient Graph Cuts on Structured Grids
O Jamriška, D Sıkora, A Hornung
The 25th Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 3673-3680, 2012
Interactive video stylization using few-shot patch-based training
O Texler, D Futschik, M Kučera, O Jamriška, Š Sochorová, M Chai, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 39 (4), 73: 1-73: 11, 2020
LazyFluids: Appearance transfer for fluid animations
O Jamriška, J Fišer, P Asente, J Lu, E Shechtman, D Sıkora
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 34 (4), 1-10, 2015
Monster mash: a single-view approach to casual 3D modeling and animation
M Dvorožňák, D Sıkora, C Curtis, B Curless, O Sorkine-Hornung, ...
ACM Transactions on Graphics (ToG) 39 (6), 1-12, 2020
Smart scribbles for sketch segmentation
G Noris, D Sıkora, A Shamir, S Coros, B Whited, M Simmons, A Hornung, ...
Computer Graphics Forum 31 (8), 2516-2527, 2012
TexToons: practical texture mapping for hand-drawn cartoon animations
D Sıkora, M Ben-Chen, M Čadík, B Whited, M Simmons
Proceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Non-Photorealistic …, 2011
Colorization of black-and-white cartoons
D Sıkora, J Buriánek, J Žára
Image and Vision Computing 23 (9), 767-782, 2005
Segmentation of black and white cartoons
D Sıkora, J Buriánek, J Žára
Proceedings of the 19th spring conference on Computer graphics, 223-230, 2003
Painting by feature: Texture boundaries for example-based image creation
M Lukáč, J Fišer, JC Bazin, O Jamriška, A Sorkine-Hornung, D Sıkora
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG) 32 (4), 1-8, 2013
Sketching Cartoons by Example.
D Sıkora, J Buriánek, J Zara
SBM, 27-33, 2005
Color Me Noisy: Example‐based rendering of hand‐colored animations with temporal noise control
J Fišer, M Lukáč, O Jamriška, M Čadík, Y Gingold, P Asente, D Sıkora
Computer Graphics Forum 33 (4), 1-10, 2014
StyleBlit: Fast Example‐Based Stylization with Local Guidance
D Sıkora, O Jamriška, O Texler, J Fišer, M Lukáč, J Lu, E Shechtman
Computer Graphics Forum 38 (2), 83-91, 2019
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Articles 1–20