Roy van der Weide
Cited by
Cited by
GO‐GARCH: a multivariate generalized orthogonal GARCH model
R Van der Weide
Journal of Applied Econometrics 17 (5), 549-564, 2002
Fair progress?: Economic mobility across generations around the world
A Narayan, R Van der Weide, A Cojocaru, C Lakner, S Redaelli, ...
World Bank Publications, 2018
Inequality is bad for growth of the poor (but not for that of the rich)
R Van der Weide, B Milanovic
The World Bank Economic Review 32 (3), 507-530, 2018
Herding, a-synchronous updating and heterogeneity in memory in a CBS
C Diks, R Van Der Weide
Journal of Economic dynamics and control 29 (4), 741-763, 2005
E&F Chaos: a user friendly software package for nonlinear economic dynamics
C Diks, C Hommes, V Panchenko, R Van Der Weide
Computational Economics 32, 221-244, 2008
Estimating quarterly poverty rates using labor force surveys: a primer
M Douidich, A Ezzrari, R Van der Weide, P Verme
The World Bank Economic Review 30 (3), 475-500, 2016
Method of moments estimation of go-garch models
HP Boswijk, R Van der Weide
Journal of Econometrics 163 (1), 118-126, 2011
Poverty and inequality maps in rural Vietnam: An application of small area estimation
NV Cuong, TN Truong, R Van Der Weide
Asian Economic Journal 24 (4), 355-390, 2010
Wake me up before you GO-GARCH
HP Boswijk, R Van Der Weide
Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, 2006
Intergenerational mobility around the world: A new database
R Van der Weide, C Lakner, DG Mahler, A Narayan, R Gupta
Journal of Development Economics 166, 103167, 2024
Poverty in India Has Declined Over the Last Decade But Not as Much as Previously Thought1
S Sinha Roy, R Van Der Weide
Available at SSRN 4427524, 2022
Unequal opportunity, unequal growth
GA Marrero, JG Rodríguez, R Van Der Weide
World bank policy research working paper, 2016
Romania-Competitive cities: reshaping the economic geography of Romania
M Ionescu-Heroiu, SI Burduja, D Sandu, S Cojocaru, B Blankespoor, ...
Romania regional development program. Washington DC: World Bank. Retrieved …, 2013
Is inequality underestimated in Egypt? Evidence from house prices
R Van der Weide, C Lakner, E Ianchovichina
Review of Income and Wealth 64, S55-S79, 2018
A note on different approaches to index number theory
M Van Veelen, R van der Weide
American Economic Review 98 (4), 1722-1730, 2008
Estimation of normal mixtures in a nested error model with an application to small area estimation of poverty and inequality
C Elbers, R van der Weide
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2014
Is inequality underestimated in Egypt? Evidence from house prices
R Van Der Weide, C Lakner, E Ianchovichina
Evidence from House Prices (June 22, 2016). World Bank Policy Research …, 2016
Heterogeneity as a natural source of randomness
CGH Diks, R van der Weide
Tinbergen Institute Discussion Paper, 2003
Is predicted data a viable alternative to real data?
T Fujii, R van der Weide
The World Bank Economic Review 34 (2), 485-508, 2020
Gls estimation and empirical bayes prediction for linear mixed models with heteroskedasticity and sampling weights: a background study for the povmap project
R Van der Weide
World Bank Policy Research Working Paper, 2014
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Articles 1–20