Weiyu Xu
Cited by
Cited by
Compressed sensing: theory and applications
YC Eldar, G Kutyniok
Cambridge University Press, 2012
Efficient and robust compressed sensing using optimized expander graphs
S Jafarpour, W Xu, B Hassibi, R Calderbank
Information Theory, IEEE Transactions, 2009
Efficient compressive sensing with deterministic guarantees using expander graphs
W Xu, B Hassibi
2007 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, 414-419, 2007
Weighted Minimization for Sparse Recovery with Prior Information
MA Khajehnejad, W Xu, S Avestimehr, B Hassibi
Arxiv preprint arXiv:0901.2912, 2009
Necessary and sufficient conditions for success of the nuclear norm heuristic for rank minimization
B Recht, W Xu, B Hassibi
2008 47th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3065-3070, 2008
Null space conditions and thresholds for rank minimization
B Recht, W Xu, B Hassibi
Mathematical Programming, 1-28, 2011
Compressive sensing over graphs
W Xu, E Mallada, A Tang
INFOCOM, 2011 Proceedings IEEE, 2087-2095, 2011
Accuracy of the morphology enabled dipole inversion (MEDI) algorithm for quantitative susceptibility mapping in MRI
T Liu, W Xu, P Spincemaille, AS Avestimehr, Y Wang
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 31 (3), 816-824, 2012
Analyzing Weighted Minimization for Sparse Recovery With Nonuniform Sparse Models
MA Khajehnejad, W Xu, AS Avestimehr, B Hassibi
Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on 59 (5), 1985-2001, 2011
Analyzing Weighted Minimization for Sparse Recovery with Nonuniform Sparse Models\ footnote {The results of this paper were presented in part at the …
M Amin Khajehnejad, W Xu, A Salman Avestimehr, B Hassibi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1009.3525, 2010
Sparse recovery of nonnegative signals with minimal expansion
MA Khajehnejad, AG Dimakis, W Xu, B Hassibi
Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on 59 (1), 196-208, 2011
A unique “nonnegative” solution to an underdetermined system: From vectors to matrices
M Wang, W Xu, A Tang
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 59 (3), 1007-1016, 2011
A Unique “Nonnegative” Solution to an Underdetermined System: From Vectors to Matrices
M Wang, W Xu, A Tang
Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions on 59 (3), 1007-1016, 2011
Compressed sensing over the grassmann manifold: A unified analytical framework
W Xu, B Hassibi
Communication, Control, and Computing, 2008 46th Annual Allerton Conference …, 2008
Robust recovery of complex exponential signals from random Gaussian projections via low rank Hankel matrix reconstruction
JF Cai, X Qu, W Xu, GB Ye
Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 2016
Precise semidefinite programming formulation of atomic norm minimization for recovering d-dimensional (d≥ 2) off-the-grid frequencies
W Xu, JF Cai, KV Mishra, M Cho, A Kruger
Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA), 2014, 1-4, 2014
Spectral super-resolution with prior knowledge
KV Mishra, M Cho, A Kruger, W Xu
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 63 (20), 5342-5357, 2015
Sparse error correction from nonlinear measurements with applications in bad data detection for power networks
W Xu, M Wang, JF Cai, A Tang
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 61 (24), 6175-6187, 2013
Compressed sensing-probabilistic analysis of a null-space characterization
M Stojnic, W Xu, B Hassibi
Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 2008. ICASSP 2008. IEEE …, 2008
On the Performance of Sparse Recovery Via -Minimization
M Wang, W Xu, A Tang
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 57 (11), 7255-7278, 2011
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Articles 1–20