Michael Lang
Cited by
Cited by
Criteria for Selecting Cloud Service Providers: A Delphi Study of Quality-of- Service Attributes
M Lang, M Wiesche, H Krcmar
Information & Management, 2018
What are the most important criteria for cloud service provider selection? A Delphi study
M Lang, M Wiesche, H Krcmar
European Conference on Information Systems, 2016
Conceptualization of Relational Assurance Mechanisms-A Literature Review on Relational Assurance Mechanisms, Their Antecedents and Effects
M Lang, M Wiesche, H Krcmar
QTc monitoring in adults with medical and psychiatric comorbidities: Expert consensus from the Association of Medicine and Psychiatry
GL Xiong, A Pinkhasov, JP Mangal, H Huang, J Rado, J Gagliardi, ...
Journal of psychosomatic research 135, 110138, 2020
Management of SIADH-related hyponatremia due to psychotropic medications–An expert consensus from the Association of Medicine and Psychiatry
A Pinkhasov, G Xiong, JA Bourgeois, TW Heinrich, H Huang, S Coriolan, ...
Journal of psychosomatic research 151, 110654, 2021
Perceived Control and Privacy in a Professional Cloud Environment
M Lang, M Wiesche, H Krcmar
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2018
A Delphi-based consensus statement on the management of anticoagulated patients with botulinum toxin for limb spasticity
C Boulias, F Ismail, CP Phadke, S Bagg, I Bureau, S Charest, R Chen, ...
Archives of physical medicine and rehabilitation 99 (11), 2183-2189, 2018
Management sicherer Cloud-Services
H Krcmar, C Eckert, A Roßnagel, A Sunyaev, M Wiesche
Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2018
Kriterien für die Auswahl von Cloud-Services
M Lang, C Neubauer, A Weiss, M Wiesche, H Krcmar
Management sicherer Cloud-Services: Entwicklung und Evaluation dynamischer …, 2018
When Does Learning Pay Off? The Relationship of Organizational Learning and ITO Vendor Profitability
H Schermann, M., Lang, M., Hoermann, S., Swanson, B., & Krcmar
International Conference on Information Systems, 2014
Datenschutz durch maschinenlesbare Zertifizierung mittels XBRL
M Lang, C Pflügler, M Schreieck, D Soto Setzke, M Wiesche, H Krcmar
Management sicherer Cloud-Services: Entwicklung und Evaluation dynamischer …, 2018
Wertschöpfungsnetzwerk des dynamischen Zertifizierungs-Ecosystems
M Lang, S Lins, M Wiesche, A Sunyaev, H Krcmar
Management sicherer Cloud-Services: Entwicklung und Evaluation dynamischer …, 2018
Möglichkeiten zum Nachweis vertrauenswürdiger Cloud-Services
M Lang, M Wiesche, H Krcmar
Management sicherer Cloud-Services: Entwicklung und Evaluation dynamischer …, 2018
Next Generation Certification: Schlussbericht: Teilvorhaben: NGCert Referenzmodell: Referenzmodell für die dynamische Zertifizierung von Cloud Computing Services
M Lang, M Wiesche, H Krcmar
TUM-Technische Universität München, Lehrstuhl für Wirtschaftsinformatik (I 17), 2018
Teil C: Vertrauenswürdige Cloud-Services
M Lang, M Wiesche, H Krcmar
Management sicherer Cloud-Services, 59, 2018
Referenzmodell für einen dynamischen Zertifizierungsdienst von Cloud-Services
M Lang, M Wiesche, H Krcmar
Management sicherer Cloud-Services: Entwicklung und Evaluation dynamischer …, 2018
Einfluss der Reputation des Zertifizierers von dynamischen Zertifikaten auf Cloud-Service-Kunden
M Lang, B Laatzen, M Wiesche, H Krcmar
Management sicherer Cloud-Services: Entwicklung und Evaluation dynamischer …, 2018
Managing the Anticoagulated Patient with Spasticity? A Delphi-based Canadian Consensus Statement
C Boulias, F Ismail, C Phadke, S Bagg, S Charest, R Chen, A Cheng, ...
Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 98 (12), e173, 2017
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Articles 1–18