Miguel Redondo Nieto
Miguel Redondo Nieto
Profesor Contratado Doctor, Departamento Biología, Facultad de Ciencias. Universidad Autónoma de
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Genomic and Genetic Diversity within the Pseudomonas fluorescens Complex
D Garrido-Sanz, JP Meier-Kolthoff, M Göker, M Martín, R Rivilla, ...
PloS one 11 (2), e0150183, 2016
Differentiation of Symbiotic Cells and Endosymbionts in Medicago truncatula Nodulation Are Coupled to Two Transcriptome-Switches
N Maunoury, M Redondo-Nieto, M Bourcy, W Van de Velde, B Alunni, ...
PLoS One 5 (3), e9519, 2010
Genomic Organization and Evolutionary Insights on GRP and NCR Genes, Two Large Nodule-Specific Gene Families in Medicago truncatula
B Alunni, Z Kevei, M Redondo-Nieto, A Kondorosi, P Mergaert, ...
Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 20 (9), 1138-1148, 2007
Genome sequence reveals that Pseudomonas fluorescens F113 possesses a large and diverse array of systems for rhizosphere function and host interaction
M Redondo-Nieto, M Barret, J Morrissey, K Germaine, F Martínez-Granero, ...
BMC genomics 14, 1-17, 2013
Metagenomic insights into the bacterial functions of a diesel-degrading consortium for the rhizoremediation of diesel-polluted soil
D Garrido-Sanz, M Redondo-Nieto, M Guirado, O Pindado Jiménez, ...
Genes 10 (6), 456, 2019
Genome sequence of the biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens F113
M Redondo-Nieto, M Barret, JP Morrisey, K Germaine, ...
Journal of bacteriology 194 (5), 1273-1274, 2012
Classification of Isolates from the Pseudomonas fluorescens Complex into Phylogenomic Groups Based in Group-Specific Markers
D Garrido-Sanz, E Arrebola, F Martínez-Granero, S García-Méndez, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 8, 413, 2017
The Gac-Rsm and SadB signal transduction pathways converge on AlgU to downregulate motility in Pseudomonas fluorescens
F Martínez-Granero, A Navazo, E Barahona, M Redondo-Nieto, R Rivilla, ...
PloS one 7 (2), e31765, 2012
Metagenomic analysis of a biphenyl-degrading soil bacterial consortium reveals the metabolic roles of specific populations
D Garrido-Sanz, J Manzano, M Martín, M Redondo-Nieto, R Rivilla
Frontiers in Microbiology 9, 232, 2018
Lectin-like glycoprotein PsNLEC-1 is not correctly glycosylated and targeted in boron-deficient pea nodules
L Bolaños, A Cebrián, M Redondo-Nieto, R Rivilla, I Bonilla
Molecular plant-microbe interactions 14 (5), 663-670, 2001
Identification of flgZ as a Flagellar Gene Encoding a PilZ Domain Protein That Regulates Swimming Motility and Biofilm Formation in Pseudomonas
F Martínez-Granero, A Navazo, E Barahona, M Redondo-Nieto, ...
PloS one 9 (2), e87608, 2014
Effects of boron and calcium nutrition on the establishment of the Rhizobium leguminosarum–pea (Pisum sativum) symbiosis and nodule development under salt …
A El‐Hamdaoui, M Redondo‐Nieto, R Rivilla, I Bonilla, L Bolanos
Plant, Cell & Environment 26 (7), 1003-1011, 2003
Cell surface interactions of Rhizobium bacteroids and other bacterial strains with symbiosomal and peribacteroid membrane components from pea nodules
L Bolaños, M Redondo-Nieto, R Rivilla, NJ Brewin, I Bonilla
Molecular plant-microbe interactions 17 (2), 216-223, 2004
Relationship between boron and calcium in the N2‐fixing legume–rhizobia symbiosis
M Redondo‐Nieto, AR Wilmot, A El‐Hamdaoui, I Bonilla, L Bolaños
Plant, cell & environment 26 (11), 1905-1915, 2003
Research Note: Boron deficiency affects early infection events in the pea-Rhizobium symbiotic interaction
M Redondo-Nieto, R Rivilla, A El-Hamdaoui, I Bonilla, L Bolaños
Functional Plant Biology 28 (8), 819-823, 2001
Three independent signalling pathways repress motility in Pseudomonas fluorescens F113
A Navazo, E Barahona, M Redondo‐Nieto, F Martínez‐Granero, R Rivilla, ...
Microbial biotechnology 2 (4), 489-498, 2009
Influence of boron and calcium on the tolerance to salinity of nitrogen-fixing pea plants
A El-Hamdaoui, M Redondo-Nieto, B Torralba, R Rivilla, I Bonilla, ...
Plant and Soil 251, 93-103, 2003
Boron requirement in the Discaria trinervis (Rhamnaceae) and Frankia symbiotic relationship. Its essentiality for Frankia BCU110501 growth and nitrogen fixation
L Bolaños, M Redondo‐Nieto, I Bonilla, LG Wall
Physiologia Plantarum 115 (4), 563-570, 2002
Genome-wide analysis of the FleQ direct regulon in Pseudomonas fluorescens F113 and Pseudomonas putida KT2440
E Blanco-Romero, M Redondo-Nieto, F Martínez-Granero, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 13145, 2018
Soil microbiome structure and function in ecopiles used to remediate petroleum-contaminated soil
M Wang, D Garrido-Sanz, P Sansegundo-Lobato, M Redondo-Nieto, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 9, 624070, 2021
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Articles 1–20