Tahira M. Probst
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The effects of job insecurity on employee safety outcomes: cross-sectional and longitudinal explorations.
TM Probst, TL Brubaker
Journal of occupational health psychology 6 (2), 139, 2001
Empowerment and continuous improvement in the United States, Mexico, Poland, and India: Predicting fit on the basis of the dimensions of power distance and individualism.
C Robert, TM Probst, JJ Martocchio, F Drasgow, JJ Lawler
Journal of applied psychology 85 (5), 643, 2000
Social values and social conflict in creative problem solving and categorization.
PJ Carnevale, TM Probst
Journal of personality and social psychology 74 (5), 1300, 1998
The effects of job insecurity on job satisfaction, organizational citizenship behavior, deviant behavior, and negative emotions of employees
WD Reisel, TM Probst, SL Chia, CM Maloles, CJ König
International Studies of Management & Organization 40 (1), 74-91, 2010
Development and validation of the Job Security Index and the Job Security Satisfaction scale: A classical test theory and IRT approach
TM Probst
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 76 (4), 451-467, 2003
Productivity, counterproductivity and creativity: The ups and downs of job insecurity
TM Probst, SM Stewart, ML Gruys, BW Tierney
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 80 (3), 479-497, 2007
Accident under-reporting among employees: Testing the moderating influence of psychological safety climate and supervisor enforcement of safety practices
TM Probst, AX Estrada
Accident analysis & prevention 42 (5), 1438-1444, 2010
Organizational injury rate underreporting: the moderating effect of organizational safety climate.
TM Probst, TL Brubaker, A Barsotti
Journal of Applied Psychology 93 (5), 1147, 2008
Countering the negative effects of job insecurity through participative decision making: lessons from the demand-control model.
TM Probst
Journal of occupational health psychology 10 (4), 320, 2005
Leadership decision-making: A behavioral reasoning theory analysis
JD Westaby, TM Probst, BC Lee
The Leadership Quarterly 21 (3), 481-495, 2010
Safety and insecurity: exploring the moderating effect of organizational safety climate.
TM Probst
Journal of occupational health psychology 9 (1), 3, 2004
Occupational health science in the time of COVID-19: Now more than ever
RR Sinclair, T Allen, L Barber, M Bergman, T Britt, A Butler, M Ford, ...
Occupational health science 4, 1-22, 2020
A managerial and personal control model: Predictions of work alienation and organizational commitment in Hungary
M Banai, WD Reisel, TM Probst
Journal of International Management 10 (3), 375-392, 2004
Layoffs and tradeoffs: production, quality, and safety demands under the threat of job loss.
TM Probst
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 7 (3), 211, 2002
Exploring employee outcomes of organizational restructuring: A Solomon four-group study
TM Probst
Group & Organization Management 28 (3), 416-439, 2003
Cultural values as moderators of employee reactions to job insecurity: The role of individualism and collectivism
TM Probst, J Lawler
Applied Psychology 55 (2), 234-254, 2006
Culture and deception in business negotiations: A multilevel analysis
HC Triandis, P Carnevale, M Gelfand, C Robert, SA Wasti, T Probst, ...
International Journal of Cross Cultural Management 1 (1), 73-90, 2001
Cultural values in intergroup and single-group social dilemmas
TM Probst, PJ Carnevale, HC Triandis
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 77 (3), 171-191, 1999
Bending without breaking: A two-study examination of employee resilience in the face of job insecurity.
MK Shoss, L Jiang, TM Probst
Journal of occupational health psychology 23 (1), 112, 2018
Catch me if I fall! Enacted uncertainty avoidance and the social safety net as country-level moderators in the job insecurity–job attitudes link.
ME Debus, TM Probst, CJ König, M Kleinmann
Journal of Applied Psychology 97 (3), 690, 2012
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