Yi Ting Chua
Cited by
Cited by
Examining the risk reduction strategies of actors in online criminal markets
TJ Holt, O Smirnova, YT Chua, H Copes
Global Crime 16 (2), 81-103, 2015
Exploring and estimating the revenues and profits of participants in stolen data markets
TJ Holt, O Smirnova, YT Chua
Deviant Behavior 37 (4), 353-367, 2016
Turning up the dial: the evolution of a cybercrime market through set-up, stable, and covid-19 eras
AV Vu, J Hughes, I Pete, B Collier, YT Chua, I Shumailov, A Hutchings
Proceedings of the ACM Internet Measurement Conference, 551-566, 2020
A cross-national examination of the techniques of neutralization to account for hacking behaviors
YT Chua, TJ Holt
Victims & Offenders 11 (4), 534-555, 2016
Gendering cybercrime
A Hutchings, YT Chua
Cybercrime through an interdisciplinary lens, 181-202, 2016
A social network analysis and comparison of six dark web forums
I Pete, J Hughes, YT Chua, M Bada
2020 IEEE European symposium on security and privacy workshops (EuroS&PW …, 2020
An exploration of the factors affecting the advertised price for stolen data
TJ Holt, YT Chua, O Smirnova
2013 APWG eCrime Researchers Summit, 1-10, 2013
Influence, infrastructure, and recentering cybercrime policing: evaluating emerging approaches to online law enforcement through a market for cybercrime services
B Collier, DR Thomas, R Clayton, A Hutchings, YT Chua
Policing and Society 32 (1), 103-124, 2022
Data thieves in action: Examining the international market for stolen personal information
TJ Holt, O Smirnova, YT Chua
Springer, 2016
Identifying Unintended Harms of Cybersecurity Countermeasures
YT Chua, S Parkin, M Edwards, D Oliveira, S Schiffner, G Tyson, ...
APWG eCrime 2019, 2020
Extremebb: Enabling large-scale research into extremism, the manosphere and their correlation by online forum data
AV Vu, L Wilson, YT Chua, I Shumailov, R Anderson
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.04479, 2021
Exploring masculinities and perceptions of gender in online cybercrime subcultures
M Bada, YT Chua, B Collier, I Pete
Cybercrime in Context: The human factor in victimization, offending, and …, 2021
Too much data? Opportunities and challenges of large datasets and cybercrime
J Hughes, YT Chua, A Hutchings
Researching Cybercrimes: Methodologies, Ethics, and Critical Approaches, 191-212, 2021
The role of gender and risk perception among police officers: general lifestyle risks and occupation-specific risks
YT Chua
Michigan State University, Criminal Justice, 2012
The role of cybersecurity knowledge and awareness in cybersecurity intention and behavior in the United States
CS Lee, YT Chua
Crime & Delinquency 70 (9), 2250-2277, 2024
Understanding risk and risk perceptions of cybercrime in underground forums
M Bada, YT Chua
2021 APWG Symposium on Electronic Crime Research (eCrime), 1-11, 2021
An assessment of the usability of cybercrime datasets
I Pete, YT Chua
12th {USENIX} Workshop on Cyber Security Experimentation and Test ({CSET} 19), 2019
ExtremeBB: A database for large-scale research into online hate, harassment, the manosphere and extremism
AV Vu, L Wilson, YT Chua, I Shumailov, R Anderson
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.04479, 2021
Beyond Black and White: The intersection of ideologies in online extremist communities
YT Chua, L Wilson
European Journal on Criminal Policy and Research 29 (3), 337-354, 2023
Refining the Blunt Instruments of Cybersecurity: A Framework to Coordinate Prevention and Preservation of Behaviours
S Parkin, YT Chua
10th International Workshop on Socio-Technical Aspects in Security, 2020
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Articles 1–20