Debra Davidson
Cited by
Cited by
Gender and environmental risk concerns: A review and analysis of available research
DJ Davidson, WR Freudenburg
Environment and behavior 28 (3), 302-339, 1996
The applicability of the concept of resilience to social systems: some sources of optimism and nagging doubts
DJ Davidson
Society and natural resources 23 (12), 1135-1149, 2010
Summary for policymakers
CB Field, VR Barros, MD Mastrandrea, KJ Mach, MAK Abdrabo, ...
Climate change 2014: impacts, adaptation, and vulnerability. Part A: global …, 2015
Technical summary
CB Field, VR Barros, KJ Mach, MD Mastrandrea, RA van Aalst, WN Adger, ...
Cambridge University Press, 2014
Exnovating for a renewable energy transition
DJ Davidson
Nature Energy 4 (4), 254-256, 2019
Scientific certainty argumentation methods (SCAMs): science and the politics of doubt
WR Freudenburg, R Gramling, DJ Davidson
Sociological Inquiry 78 (1), 2-38, 2008
Understanding environmental governance: a critical review
DJ Davidson, S Frickel
Organization & Environment 17 (4), 471-492, 2004
Understanding climate change risk and vulnerability in northern forest-based communities
DJ Davidson, T Williamson, JR Parkins
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 33 (11), 2252-2261, 2003
Opening up the black box of adaptation decision-making
R Biesbroek, J Dupuis, A Jordan, A Wellstead, M Howlett, P Cairney, ...
Nature Climate Change 5 (6), 493-494, 2015
Challenging legitimacy at the precipice of energy calamity
DJ Davidson, M Gismondi
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
The food-energy-water nexus and urban complexity
P Romero-Lankao, T McPhearson, DJ Davidson
Nature Climate Change 7 (4), 233-235, 2017
Nuclear families and nuclear risks: The effects of gender, geography, and progeny on attitudes toward a nuclear waste facility
WR Freudenburg, DJ Davidson
Rural Sociology 72 (2), 215-243, 2007
Gaps in agricultural climate adaptation research
D Davidson
Nature Climate Change 6 (5), 433-435, 2016
All dressed up with nowhere to go: The discourse of ecological modernization in Alberta, Canada
DJ Davidson, NA MacKendrick
Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie 41 (1), 47-65, 2004
Gender, political ideology, and climate change beliefs in an extractive industry community
DJ Davidson, M Haan
Population and Environment 34 (2), 217-234, 2012
Building environmental states: Legitimacy and rationalization in sustainability governance
S Frickel, DJ Davidson
International Sociology 19 (1), 89-110, 2004
Emotional pathways to climate change responses
DJ Davidson, M Kecinski
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 13 (2), e751, 2022
We still have a long way to go, and a short time to get there: A response to Fikret Berkes and Helen Ross
DJ Davidson
Society & Natural Resources 26 (1), 21-24, 2013
Just don’t call it climate change: climate-skeptic farmer adoption of climate-mitigative practices
DJ Davidson, C Rollins, L Lefsrud, S Anders, A Hamann
Environmental Research Letters 14 (3), 034015, 2019
Not all about consumption
DJ Davidson, J Andrews
Science 339 (6125), 1286-1287, 2013
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Articles 1–20