Nicola Procopio
Nicola Procopio
Healthware International
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Cited by
Online clustering for topic detection in social data streams
C Comito, C Pizzuti, N Procopio
2016 IEEE 28th international conference on tools with artificial …, 2016
Detecting topic authoritative social media users: a multilayer network approach
E Oro, C Pizzuti, N Procopio, M Ruffolo
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 20 (5), 1195-1208, 2017
A K-means based genetic algorithm for data clustering
C Pizzuti, N Procopio
International Joint Conference SOCO’16-CISIS’16-ICEUTE’16: San Sebastián …, 2017
Digital surveillance through an online decision support tool for COVID-19 over one year of the pandemic in Italy: observational study
AE Tozzi, F Gesualdo, E Urbani, A Sbenaglia, R Ascione, N Procopio, ...
Journal of Medical Internet Research 23 (8), e29556, 2021
How people talk about health? Detecting health topics from Twitter streams
C Comito, C Pizzuti, N Procopio
Proceedings of the International Conference on Big Data and Internet of …, 2017
DMapp: a developing promising approach to monitor symptoms progression and stimulate memory in Italian people with cognitive impairments
M Pigliautile, M Colombo, T Pizzuti, N Procopio, M Stillo, R Curia, ...
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research 34 (11), 2721-2731, 2022
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Articles 1–6