William Ross
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Cited by
Multiple meanings of trust in negotiation theory and research: A literature review and integrative model
W Ross, J LaCroix
International Journal of Conflict Management 7 (4), 314-360, 1996
The influence of social networking web sites on the evaluation of job candidates
D Bohnert, WH Ross
Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking 13 (3), 341-347, 2010
Should human resource managers use social media to screen job applicants? Managerial and legal issues in the USA
R Slovensky, WH Ross
info: Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance 14 (1), 55-69, 2012
Effects of interpersonal trust and time pressure on managerial mediation strategy in a simulated organizational dispute.
WH Ross, C Wieland
Journal of Applied Psychology 81 (3), 228, 1996
Hybrid forms of third-party dispute resolution: Theoretical implications of combining mediation and arbitration
WH Ross, DE Conlon
Academy of management Review 25 (2), 416-427, 2000
The effect of variations in banner ad, type of product, website context, and language of advertising on Internet users’ attitudes
W Flores, JCV Chen, WH Ross
Computers in Human Behavior 31, 37-47, 2014
Identifying strategic loops: The self-Q interviews
MG Bougon, N Baird, JM Komocar, W Ross
Mapping strategic thought, 327-354, 1990
Watching the detectives: Seasonal student employee reactions to electronic monitoring with and without advance notification
AD Hovorka‐Mead, WH ROSS JR, T Whipple, MB Renchin
Personnel Psychology 55 (2), 329-362, 2002
The effects of partisan third parties on negotiator behavior and outcome perceptions.
DE Conlon, WH Ross
Journal of Applied Psychology 78 (2), 280, 1993
Privacy, trust, and justice considerations for location‐based mobile telecommunication services
JV Chen, W Ross, SF Huang
info: Digital Policy, Regulation and Governance 10 (4), 30-45, 2008
Appearances do count: The effects of outcomes and explanations on disputant fairness judgments and supervisory evaluations
DE Conlon, WH Ross
International Journal of Conflict Management 8 (1), 5-37, 1997
Antecedents of Online Game Dependency - the Implications of Multimedia Realism and Uses & Gratifications Theory
KC Chen, J Chen, W Ross
Journal of Database Management 21 (2), 69-99, 2010
The Influence of Third Party Power and Suggestions on Negotiation: The Surface Value of a Compromise1
DE Conlon, P Carnevale, WH Ross
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 24 (12), 1084-1113, 1994
Personality and Motivational Factors Predicting Internet Abuse at Work.
JV Chen, WH Ross, HH Yang
Cyberpsychology 5 (1), 2011
Emotional intelligence and dispute mediation in escalating and de‐Escalating situations
MJ Boland, WH Ross
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 40 (12), 3059-3105, 2010
The mediator as leader: Effects of behavioral style and deadline certainty on negotiator behavior
WH Ross Jr, DE Conlon, EA Lind
Group & Organization Studies 15 (1), 105-124, 1990
Individual differences and electronic monitoring at work
JV Chen, WH Ross
Information, Community and Society 10 (4), 488-505, 2007
Predicting intention to participate in socially responsible collective action in social networking website groups
JV Chen, TMB Hiele, A Kryszak, WH Ross
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 21 (2), 6, 2020
The managerial decision to implement electronic surveillance at work: A research framework
JCV Chen, WH Ross
International Journal of Organizational Analysis 13 (3), 244-268., 2005
The effect of types of banner ad, web localization, and customer involvement on internet users' attitudes
JV Chen, WH Ross, DC Yen, L Akhapon
CyberPsychology & Behavior 12 (1), 71-73, 2009
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