Santiago Carbó Valverde
Santiago Carbó Valverde
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Examining the relationships between capital, risk and efficiency in European banking
Y Altunbas, S Carbo, EPM Gardener, P Molyneux
European financial management 13 (1), 49-70, 2007
The determinants of bank margins in European banking
SC Valverde, FR Fernández
Journal of Banking & Finance 31 (7), 2043-2063, 2007
Cross-country comparisons of competition and pricing power in European banking
S Carbó, D Humphrey, J Maudos, P Molyneux
Journal of International Money and Finance 28 (1), 115-134, 2009
Trade credit, the financial crisis, and SME access to finance
S Carbo‐Valverde, F Rodriguez‐Fernandez, GF Udell
Journal of Money, credit and Banking 48 (1), 113-143, 2016
Bank market power and SME financing constraints
S Carbó-Valverde, F Rodriguez-Fernandez, GF Udell
Review of Finance 13 (2), 309-340, 2009
Financial Exclusion in the UK
S Carbó, EPM Gardener, P Molyneux, S Carbó, EPM Gardener, ...
Financial exclusion, 14-44, 2005
Investigating diversity in the banking sector in Europe: The performance and role of savings banks
R Ayadi, RH Schmidt
CEPS, 2009
Financial exclusion in Europe
S Carbo, EPM Gardener, P Molyneux
Public Money and Management 27 (1), 21-27, 2007
Deregulation, bank competition and regional growth
SC Valverdie, D Humphrey, FR Fernandez
Regional Studies 37 (3), 227-237, 2003
The economics of credit cards, debit cards and ATMs: A survey and some new evidence
B Scholnick, N Massoud, A Saunders, S Carbo-Valverde, ...
Journal of Banking & Finance 32 (8), 1468-1483, 2008
Efficiency in banking: Empirical evidence from the savings banks sector
S Carbó, EPM Gardener, J Williams
The Manchester School 70 (2), 204-228, 2002
Financial innovations in banking: Impact on regional growth
S Carbó Valverde, R López del Paso, F Rodríguez Fernández
Regional Studies 41 (3), 311-326, 2007
The impact on digitalization on banking and financial stability
S Carbó-Valverde
Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions, 133-140, 2017
Stock and foreign exchange market linkages in emerging economies
E Andreou, M Matsi, A Savvides
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 27, 248-268, 2013
Do cross-country differences in bank efficiency support a policy of “national champions”?
SC Valverde, DB Humphrey, RL del Paso
Journal of Banking & Finance 31 (7), 2173-2188, 2007
How effective are rewards programs in promoting payment card usage? Empirical evidence
S Carbó-Valverde, JM Liñares-Zegarra
Journal of Banking & Finance 35 (12), 3275-3291, 2011
Predicted and actual costs from individual bank mergers
SC Valverde, DB Humphrey
Journal of Economics and Business 56 (2), 137-157, 2004
Financial innovation in retail and corporate banking
L Anderloni, DT Llewellyn, RH Schmidt
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2009
Opening the black box: Finding the source of cost inefficiency
S Carbó Valverde, DB Humphrey, R López del Paso
Journal of Productivity Analysis 27, 209-220, 2007
Regulatory arbitrage in cross‐border banking mergers within the EU
S Carbo‐Valverde, EJ Kane, F Rodriguez‐Fernandez
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking 44 (8), 1609-1629, 2012
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Articles 1–20