Nibaran Das
Nibaran Das
Professor, Dept. of CSE, Jadavpur University
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Understanding Deep Learning Techniques for Image Segmentation
S Ghosh, N Das, I Das, U Maulik
ACM Computing Survey, 2019
A genetic algorithm based region sampling for selection of local features in handwritten digit recognition application
N Das, R Sarkar, S Basu, M Kundu, M Nasipuri, DK Basu
Applied Soft Computing 12 (5), 1592-1606, 2012
A statistical–topological feature combination for recognition of handwritten numerals
N Das, JM Reddy, R Sarkar, S Basu, M Kundu, M Nasipuri, DK Basu
Applied Soft Computing 12 (8), 2486-2495, 2012
CMATERdb1: a database of unconstrained handwritten Bangla and Bangla–English mixed script document image
R Sarkar, N Das, S Basu, M Kundu, M Nasipuri, DK Basu
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) 15 (1), 71-83, 2012
A hierarchical approach to recognition of handwritten Bangla characters
S Basu, N Das, R Sarkar, M Kundu, M Nasipuri, DK Basu
Pattern Recognition 42 (7), 1467-1484, 2009
Handwritten isolated Bangla compound character recognition: A new benchmark using a novel deep learning approach
S Roy, N Das, M Kundu, M Nasipuri
Pattern Recognition Letters 90, 15-21, 2017
A multi-scale deep quad tree based feature extraction method for the recognition of isolated handwritten characters of popular indic scripts
R Sarkhel, N Das, A Das, M Kundu, M Nasipuri
Pattern Recognition 71, 78-93, 2017
A multi-objective approach towards cost effective isolated handwritten Bangla character and digit recognition
R Sarkhel, N Das, AK Saha, M Nasipuri
Pattern Recognition 58, 172-189, 2016
Handwritten Bangla Basic and Compound character recognition using MLP and SVM classifier
Nibaran Das, Brindaban Das, Ram Sarkar, Subhadip Basu, Mahantapas Kundu ...
Journal of Computing 2 (2), 2010
The journey of graph kernels through two decades
S Ghosh, N Das, T Gonçalves, P Quaresma, M Kundu
Computer Science Review 27, 88-111, 2018
PHDIndic_11: page-level handwritten document image dataset of 11 official Indic scripts for script identification
SM Obaidullah, C Halder, KC Santosh, N Das, K Roy
Multimedia Tools and Applications 77, 1643-1678, 2018
Handwritten Bangla alphabet recognition using an MLP based classifier
S Basu, N Das, R Sarkar, M Kundu, M Nasipuri, DK Basu
2nd National Conf. on Computer Processing of Bangla-2005, , Dhaka …, 2005
A novel framework for automatic sorting of postal documents with multi-script address blocks
S Basu, N Das, R Sarkar, M Kundu, M Nasipuri, DK Basu
Pattern Recognition 43 (10), 3507-3521, 2010
A benchmark image database of isolated Bangla handwritten compound characters
N Das, K Acharya, R Sarkar, S Basu, M Kundu, M Nasipuri
International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition (IJDAR) 17, 413-431, 2014
Cervical Cytology Classification Using PCA & GWO Enhanced Deep Features Selection
H Basak, R Kundu, S Chakraborty, N Das
SN Computer Science volume 2 (5), 369, 2021
Handwritten Bangla character recognition using a soft computing paradigm embedded in two pass approach
N Das, R Sarkar, S Basu, PK Saha, M Kundu, M Nasipuri
Pattern Recognition 48 (6), 2054-2071, 2015
Devnet: an efficient cnn architecture for handwritten devanagari character recognition
R Guha, N Das, M Kundu, M Nasipuri, KC Santosh
International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 34 …, 2020
Handwritten Bangla Digit Recognition Using Classifier Combination Through DS Technique
S Basu, R Sarkar, N Das, M Kundu, M Nasipuri, DK Basu
Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence: First International Conference …, 2005
Reshaping inputs for convolutional neural network: Some common and uncommon methods
S Ghosh, N Das, M Nasipuri
Pattern Recognition 93 (September 2019), 79-94, 2019
An MLP based Approach for Recognition of HandwrittenBangla'Numerals
S Basu, N Das, R Sarkar, M Kundu, M Nasipuri, DK Basu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1203.0876, 2012
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Articles 1–20