Zeynep Hansen
Cited by
Cited by
Small farms, externalities, and the Dust Bowl of the 1930s
ZK Hansen, GD Libecap
Journal of Political Economy 112 (3), 665-694, 2004
“Rain follows the plow” and dryfarming doctrine: The climate information problem and homestead failure in the Upper Great Plains, 1890–1925
GD Libecap, ZK Hansen
The Journal of Economic History 62 (1), 86-120, 2002
The impact of group diversity on performance and knowledge spillover--An experiment in a college classroom
ZK Hansen, H Owan, J Pan
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2006
Climate variability and water infrastructure: historical experience in the Western United States
ZK Hansen, GD Libecap, SE Lowe
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2009
The allocation of property rights to land: US land policy and farm failure in the northern great plains
ZK Hansen, GD Libecap
Explorations in Economic history 41 (2), 103-129, 2004
The political economy of truth-in-advertising regulation during the progressive era
ZK Hansen, MT Law
The Journal of Law and Economics 51 (2), 251-269, 2008
Medical licensing board characteristics and physician discipline: an empirical analysis
MT Law, ZK Hansen
Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 35 (1), 63-93, 2010
The impact of group diversity on class performance: evidence from college classrooms
Z Hansen, H Owan, J Pan
Education Economics 23 (2), 238-258, 2015
Long-term impacts of major water storage facilities on agriculture and the natural environment: Evidence from Idaho (US)
ZK Hansen, SE Lowe, W Xu
Ecological Economics 100, 106-118, 2014
Why do we inflate grades?: The effect of adjunct faculty employment on instructor grading standards
K Chen, Z Hansen, S Lowe
Journal of Human Resources 56 (3), 878-921, 2021
The effect of contractual complexity on technology sourcing agreements
Z Hansen, M Higgins
Georgia Institute of Technology, 2007
US land policy, property rights, and the dust bowl of the 1930s
GD Libecap, ZK Hansen
Nota di Lavoro, 2001
The Economics of Climate Change: Adaptations Past and Present
ZK Hansen, GD Libecap, SE Lowe, RH Steckel
University of Chicago Press, 2011
The allocation of property rights to land: US land policy and farm failure in the Great Plains
G Libecap, Z Hansen
Explorations in Economic History 62 (1), 86-120, 2004
Small Farms, Externalities, and the Dust Bowl of the 1930's
GD Libecap, ZK Hansen
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2003
Effect of technological progress on contractual agreements: empirical analysis of pharmaceutical and biotechnology collaborations
ZK Hansen
Olin School of Business working paper, 2001
The Impact of Group Contract and Governance Structure on Performance—Evidence from College Classrooms
ZK Hansen, H Owan, J Pan, S Sugawara
The Journal of Law, Economics, & Organization 30 (3), 463-492, 2014
A second chance at success? Effects of college grade forgiveness policies on student outcomes
X Jiang, K Chen, Z Hansen, S Lowe
NBER Working Paper, 2021
A multi-dimensional view of alliance complexity and value division in technology sourcing agreements
ZK Hansen, MJ Higgins
Available at SSRN 1008926, 2008
The impact of group diversity and team governance structure on performance—evidence from college classroom
Z Hansen, H Owan, J Pan
NBER Working Paper 12251, 2006, 2006
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Articles 1–20