Wassim Itani
Wassim Itani
Associate Professor of Computer Science, George Mason University
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Privacy as a service: Privacy-aware data storage and processing in cloud computing architectures
W Itani, A Kayssi, A Chehab
2009 Eighth IEEE International Conference on Dependable, Autonomic and …, 2009
Energy-efficient incremental integrity for securing storage in mobile cloud computing
W Itani, A Kayssi, A Chehab
2010 International Conference on Energy Aware Computing, 1-2, 2010
J2ME application-layer end-to-end security for m-commerce
W Itani, A Kayssi
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 27 (1), 13-32, 2004
Type-aware virtual machine management for energy efficient cloud data centers
A Al-Dulaimy, W Itani, R Zantout, A Zekri
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 19, 185-203, 2018
Type-aware virtual machine management for energy efficient cloud data centers
A Al-Dulaimy, W Itani, R Zantout, A Zekri
Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems 19, 185-203, 2018
CENTERA: A Centralized Trust-Based Efficient Routing Protocol with Authentication for Wireless Sensor Networks
A Tajeddine, A Kayssi, A Chehab, I Elhajj, W Itani
Sensors 15 (2), 3299-3333, 2015
Security analysis and solution for thwarting cache poisoning attacks in the Domain Name System
R Bassil, R Hobeica, W Itani, C Ghali, A Kayssi, A Chehab
Telecommunications (ICT), 2012 19th International Conference on, 1-6, 2012
J2ME end-to-end security for M-commerce
W Itani, AI Kayssi
2003 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking, 2003. WCNC 2003. 3, 2015-2020, 2003
Sine: Cache-friendly integrity for the web
C Gaspard, S Goldberg, W Itani, E Bertino, C Nita-Rotaru
2009 5th IEEE Workshop on Secure Network Protocols, 7-12, 2009
Power management in virtualized data centers: state of the art
A Al-Dulaimy, W Itani, A Zekri, R Zantout
Journal of Cloud Computing 5, 1-15, 2016
SPECSA: a scalable, policy-driven, extensible, and customizable security architecture for wireless enterprise applications
W Itani, A Kayssi
Computer communications 27 (18), 1825-1839, 2004
PUMAP: A PUF-based ultra-lightweight mutual-authentication RFID protocol
R Bassil, W El-Beaino, W Itani, A Kayssi, A Chehab
International Journal of RFID Security and Cryptography 1 (1/2), 58-66, 2012
Reputation as a Service: A System for Ranking Service Providers in Cloud Systems
W Itani, C Ghali, A Kayssi, A Chehab
Security, Privacy and Trust in Cloud Systems, 375-406, 2014
Wireless body sensor networks: security, privacy, and energy efficiency in the era of cloud computing
W Itani, A Kayssi, A Chehab
International Journal of Reliable and Quality E-Healthcare (IJRQEH) 5 (2), 1-30, 2016
G-route: an energy-aware service routing protocol for green cloud computing
W Itani, C Ghali, A Kayssi, A Chehab, I Elhajj
Cluster Computing 18, 889-908, 2015
ServBGP: BGP-inspired autonomic service routing for multi-provider collaborative architectures in the cloud
W Itani, C Ghali, R Bassil, A Kayssi, A Chehab
Future Generation Computer Systems 32, 99-117, 2014
bwSlicer: a bandwidth slicing framework for cloud data centers
A Al-Dulaimy, W Itani, J Taheri, M Shamseddine
Future Generation Computer Systems 112, 767-784, 2020
PETRA: a secure and energy-efficient software update protocol for severely-constrained network devices
W Itani, A Kayssi, A Chehab
Proceedings of the 5th ACM symposium on QoS and security for wireless and …, 2009
Energy-efficient platform-as-a-service security provisioning in the cloud
W Itani, A Chehab, A Kayssi
2011 International Conference on Energy Aware Computing, 1-6, 2011
Job classification in cloud computing: the classification effects on energy efficiency
A Aldulaimy, R Zantout, A Zekri, W Itani
2015 IEEE/ACM 8th International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing …, 2015
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Articles 1–20