John Black
John Black
Professor of Computer Science, University of Colorado at Boulder
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OCB: A block-cipher mode of operation for efficient authenticated encryption
P Rogaway, M Bellare, J Black
ACM Transactions on Information and System Security (TISSEC) 6 (3), 365-403, 2003
UMAC: Fast and secure message authentication
J Black, S Halevi, H Krawczyk, T Krovetz, P Rogaway
Advances in Cryptology—CRYPTO’99: 19th Annual International Cryptology …, 1999
Black-box analysis of the block-cipher-based hash-function constructions from PGV
J Black, P Rogaway, T Shrimpton
Advances in Cryptology—CRYPTO 2002: 22nd Annual International Cryptology …, 2002
A block-cipher mode of operation for parallelizable message authentication
J Black, P Rogaway
International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic …, 2002
Encryption-scheme security in the presence of key-dependent messages
J Black, P Rogaway, T Shrimpton
Selected Areas in Cryptography: 9th Annual International Workshop, SAC 2002 …, 2003
Ciphers with arbitrary finite domains
J Black, P Rogaway
Topics in Cryptology—CT-RSA 2002: The Cryptographers’ Track at the RSA …, 2002
CBC MACs for arbitrary-length messages: The three-key constructions
J Black, P Rogaway
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 197-215, 2000
Moving cheaply: energetics of walking in the African elephant
VA Langman, TJ Roberts, J Black, GMO Maloiy, NC Heglund, JM Weber, ...
Journal of Experimental Biology 198 (3), 629-632, 1995
CBC MACs for arbitrary-length messages: The three-key constructions
J Black, P Rogaway
Journal of cryptology 18, 111-131, 2005
A study of the MD5 attacks: Insights and improvements
J Black, M Cochran, T Highland
Fast Software Encryption: 13th International Workshop, FSE 2006, Graz …, 2006
UMAC: Message authentication code using universal hashing
T Krovetz
{Side-Channel} Attacks on Symmetric Encryption Schemes: The Case for Authenticated Encryption
J Black, H Urtubia
11th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security 02), 2002
On the impossibility of highly-efficient blockcipher-based hash functions
J Black, M Cochran, T Shrimpton
Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of …, 2005
Competencies in the context of entry‐level registered nurse practice: a collaborative project in Canada
J Black, D Allen, L Redfern, L Muzio, B Rushowick, B Balaski, P Martens, ...
International nursing review 55 (2), 171-178, 2008
The ideal-cipher model, revisited: An uninstantiable blockcipher-based hash function
J Black
Fast Software Encryption: 13th International Workshop, FSE 2006, Graz …, 2006
Compare-by-Hash: A Reasoned Analysis.
J Black
USENIX Annual Technical Conference, General Track, 85-90, 2006
An analysis of the blockcipher-based hash functions from PGV
J Black, P Rogaway, T Shrimpton, M Stam
Journal of Cryptology 23 (4), 519-545, 2010
Nocturnal behavior in a group of unchained female African elephants
RC Brockett, TS Stoinski, J Black, T Markowitz, TL Maple
Zoo Biology: Published in affiliation with the American Zoo and Aquarium …, 1999
Authenticated Encryption.
J Black
Encyclopedia of Cryptography and Security, 11-21, 2005
Laser propulsion 10-kW thruster test program results
J Black, H Krier, RJ Glumb
Journal of Propulsion and Power 11 (6), 1307-1316, 1995
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Articles 1–20