Jessica J Williams
Cited by
Cited by
Tropical and Mediterranean biodiversity is disproportionately sensitive to land-use and climate change
T Newbold, P Oppenheimer, A Etard, JJ Williams
Nature Ecology & Evolution 4 (12), 1630-1638, 2020
Mobile marine predators: an understudied source of nutrients to coral reefs in an unfished atoll
JJ Williams, YP Papastamatiou, JE Caselle, D Bradley, DMP Jacoby
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 285 (1875), 20172456, 2018
Climate and land-use change homogenise terrestrial biodiversity, with consequences for ecosystem functioning and human well-being
T Newbold, GL Adams, G Albaladejo Robles, EH Boakes, ...
Emerging Topics in Life Sciences 3 (2), 207-219, 2019
Local climatic changes affect biodiversity responses to land use: A review
JJ Williams, T Newbold
Diversity and Distributions, 2019
Vertebrate population trends are influenced by interactions between land use, climatic position, habitat loss and climate change
JJ Williams, R Freeman, F Spooner, T Newbold
Global change biology 28 (3), 797-815, 2022
Vertebrate responses to human land use are influenced by their proximity to climatic tolerance limits
JJ Williams, T Newbold
Diversity and Distributions 27 (7), 1308-1323, 2021
Human‐dominated land uses favour species affiliated with more extreme climates, especially in the tropics
JJ Williams, AE Bates, T Newbold
Ecography, 2020
Using environmental niche modelling to investigate abiotic predictors of crocodilian attacks on people
G Powell, TMM Versluys, JJ Williams, S Tiedt, S Pooley
Oryx 54 (5), 639-647, 2020
Limited evidence for quantitative contribution of rare and endangered species to agricultural production
VP Groner, JJ Williams, RG Pearson
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 345, 108326, 2023
Important Crop Pollinators Respond Less Negatively to Anthropogenic Land Use Than Other Animals
JJ Williams, T Newbold, J Millard, VP Groner, RG Pearson
Ecology and Evolution 14 (11), e70486, 2024
Bumblebee occupancy responds to complex interactions between local and landscape land use, climatic niche properties and climate change
T Newbold, JT Kerr, P Soroye, JJ Williams
bioRxiv, 2023.09. 12.557199, 2023
Understanding how local climatic changes modify the response of biodiversity to land-use changes
JJ Williams
UCL (University College London), 2021
People and wildlife
M Kidd, AT Knight, S Bhatia, SM Redpath, K Suryawanshi, C Mishra, ...
Correction to:‘Mobile marine predators: an understudied source of nutrients to coral reefs in an unfished atoll’
JJ Williams, YP Papastamatiou, JE Caselle, D Bradley, DMP Jacoby
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 286 (1897), 20190246, 2019
Proximity to climatic tolerance limits influences the abundance of vertebrate populations within human land uses
J Williams, T Newbold
2020 ESA Annual Meeting (August 3-6), 0
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Articles 1–15