Marc Kurz
Cited by
Cited by
Collecting complex activity datasets in highly rich networked sensor environments
D Roggen, A Calatroni, M Rossi, T Holleczek, K Förster, G Tröster, ...
2010 Seventh international conference on networked sensing systems (INSS …, 2010
The opportunity framework and data processing ecosystem for opportunistic activity and context recognition
M Kurz, G Hölzl, A Ferscha, A Calatroni, D Roggen, G Tröster, H Sagha, ...
International Journal of Sensors, Wireless Communications and Control …, 2011
Real-time transfer and evaluation of activity recognition capabilities in an opportunistic system
M Kurz, G Hölzl, A Ferscha, A Calatroni, D Roggen, G Tröster
machine learning 1 (7), 8, 2011
Occam’s Razor for Big Data? On Detecting Quality in Large Unstructured Datasets
B Dresp-Langley, OK Ekseth, J Fesl, S Gohshi, M Kurz, HW Sehring
Applied Sciences 9 (15), 3065, 2019
Sensor abstractions for opportunistic activity and context recognition systems
M Kurz, A Ferscha
European Conference on Smart Sensing and Context, 135-148, 2010
Are you cool enough for texas hold'em poker?
M Kurz, G Hölzl, A Riener, B Anzengruber, T Schmittner, A Ferscha
Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, 1145-1149, 2012
Goal processing and semantic matchmaking in opportunistic activity and context recognition systems
G Hoelzl, M Kurz, A Ferscha
ICAS 2013, 42, 2013
Traffic measurement and congestion detection based on real-time highway video data
E Sonnleitner, O Barth, A Palmanshofer, M Kurz
Applied Sciences 10 (18), 6270, 2020
Goal oriented recognition of composed activities for reliable and adaptable intelligence systems
G Hoelzl, M Kurz, A Ferscha
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 5, 357-367, 2014
Comparing human activity recognition models based on complexity and resource usage
S Angerbauer, A Palmanshofer, S Selinger, M Kurz
Applied Sciences 11 (18), 8473, 2021
Dynamic quantification of activity recognition capabilities in opportunistic systems
M Kurz, G Holzl, A Ferscha, H Sagha, JR Millán, R Chavarriaga
2011 IEEE 73rd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 1-5, 2011
Goal oriented opportunistic recognition of high-level composed activities using dynamically configured hidden markov models
G Hoelzl, M Kurz, A Ferscha
Procedia Computer Science 10, 308-315, 2012
Locomotion@ Location: When the Rubber hits the Road
G Hoelzl, M Kurz, P Halbmayer, J Erhart, M Matscheko, A Ferscha, S Eisl, ...
The 9th International Conference on Autonomic Computing (ICAC2012), San Jose …, 2012
Activity recognition in opportunistic sensor environments
D Roggen, A Calatroni, K Förster, G Tröster, P Lukowicz, D Bannach, ...
Procedia Computer Science 7, 173-174, 2011
Towards a framework for opportunistic activity and context recognition
M Kurz, A Ferscha, A Calatroni, D Roggen, G Tröster
12th ACM International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (Ubicomp 2010 …, 2010
Walk-through the OPPORTUNITY dataset for activity recognition in sensor rich environments
D Roggen, A Calatroni, M Rossi, T Holleczek, K Förster, G Tröster, ...
Helsinki, Finland, May, 2010
Smart rings vs. smartwatches: Utilizing motion sensors for gesture recognition
M Kurz, R Gstoettner, E Sonnleitner
Applied Sciences 11 (5), 2015, 2021
Dynamic adaptation of opportunistic sensor configurations for continuous and accurate activity recognition
M Kurz, G Hölzl, A Ferscha
Fourth International Conference on Adaptive and Self-Adaptive Systems and …, 2012
What Did You Mean? An Evaluation of Online Character Recognition Approaches
C Koellner, M Kurz, E Sonnleitner
15th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking …, 2019
Continuous mobile user authentication using combined biometric traits
D Reichinger, E Sonnleitner, M Kurz
Applied Sciences 11 (24), 11756, 2021
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Articles 1–20