Jochen Lauterbach
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Cited by
The ammonia selective catalytic reduction activity of copper-exchanged small-pore zeolites
DW Fickel, E D’Addio, JA Lauterbach, RF Lobo
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 102 (3-4), 441-448, 2011
Gas-phase epoxidation of propylene over small gold ensembles on TS-1
B Taylor, J Lauterbach, WN Delgass
Applied Catalysis A: General 291 (1-2), 188-198, 2005
Coupling between adjacent crystal planes in heterogeneous catalysis by propagating reaction–diffusion waves
V Gorodetskii, J Lauterbach, HH Rotermund, JH Block, G Ertl
Nature 370 (6487), 276-279, 1994
FTIR analysis of storage behavior and sulfur tolerance in barium-based NOx storage and reduction (NSR) catalysts
PT Fanson, MR Horton, WN Delgass, J Lauterbach
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 46 (2), 393-413, 2003
Effects of boundaries on pattern formation: Catalytic oxidation of CO on platinum
MD Graham, IG Kevrekidis, K Asakura, J Lauterbach, K Krischer, ...
Science 264 (5155), 80-82, 1994
Fourier-transform infrared imaging using a rapid-scan spectrometer
CM Snively, S Katzenberger, G Oskarsdottir, J Lauterbach
Optics letters 24 (24), 1841-1843, 1999
Combinatorial materials synthesis
I Takeuchi, J Lauterbach, MJ Fasolka
Materials today 8 (10), 18-26, 2005
Catalyst design: knowledge extraction from high-throughput experimentation
JM Caruthers, JA Lauterbach, KT Thomson, V Venkatasubramanian, ...
Journal of Catalysis 216 (1-2), 98-109, 2003
Spectrochemical analysis using infrared multichannel detectors
R Bhargava, IW Levin
John Wiley & Sons, 2008
Island formation during kinetic rate oscillations in the oxidation of CO over Pt/SiO2: A transient Fourier transform infrared spectrometry study
PT Fanson, WN Delgass, J Lauterbach
Journal of Catalysis 204 (1), 35-52, 2001
Chemically sensitive parallel analysis of combinatorial catalyst libraries
CM Snively, G Oskarsdottir, J Lauterbach
Catalysis Today 67 (4), 357-368, 2001
High-throughput experimentation meets artificial intelligence: a new pathway to catalyst discovery
K McCullough, T Williams, K Mingle, P Jamshidi, J Lauterbach
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 (20), 11174-11196, 2020
Enabling catalyst discovery through machine learning and high-throughput experimentation
T Williams, K McCullough, JA Lauterbach
Chemistry of Materials 32 (1), 157-165, 2019
The formation of subsurface oxygen on Pt (100)
HH Rotermund, J Lauterbach, G Haas
Applied Physics A 57, 507-511, 1993
Subsurface oxygen on Pt (100): kinetics of the transition from chemisorbed to subsurface state and its reaction with CO, H2 and O2
J Lauterbach, K Asakura, HH Rotermund
Surface science 313 (1-2), 52-63, 1994
Atomic Ru Immobilized on Porous h-BN through Simple Vacuum Filtration for Highly Active and Selective CO2 Methanation
M Fan, JD Jimenez, SN Shirodkar, J Wu, S Chen, L Song, MM Royko, ...
ACS Catalysis 9 (11), 10077-10086, 2019
The adsorption of CO on Ir (111) investigated with FT-IRAS
J Lauterbach, RW Boyle, M Schick, WJ Mitchell, B Meng, WH Weinberg
Surface science 350 (1-3), 32-44, 1996
Reaction kinetic analysis of the gas-phase epoxidation of propylene over Au/TS-1
B Taylor, J Lauterbach, GE Blau, WN Delgass
Journal of catalysis 242 (1), 142-152, 2006
Parallel analysis of the reaction products from combinatorial catalyst libraries
CM Snively, G Oskarsdottir, J Lauterbach
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 40 (16), 3028-3030, 2001
Superior oxygen transfer ability of Pd/MnOx-CeO2 for enhanced low temperature CO oxidation activity
C Wang, C Wen, J Lauterbach, E Sasmaz
Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 206, 1-8, 2017
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Articles 1–20