Sytze van Heteren
Sytze van Heteren
project leader TNO - Geological Survey of the Netherlands
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Radar facies of paraglacial barrier systems: coastal New England, USA
SV Heteren, DM Fitzgerald, PA Mckinlay, IV Buynevich
Sedimentology 45 (1), 181-200, 1998
Optical dating of young coastal dunes on a decadal time scale
M Ballarini, J Wallinga, AS Murray, S Van Heteren, AP Oost, AJJ Bos, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 22 (10-13), 1011-1017, 2003
Response of wave-dominated and mixed-energy barriers to storms
G Masselink, S van Heteren
Marine Geology 352, 321-347, 2014
Sedimentary records of intense storms in Holocene barrier sequences, Maine, USA
IV Buynevich, DM FitzGerald, S van Heteren
Marine Geology 210 (1-4), 135-148, 2004
3D geology in a 2D country: perspectives for geological surveying in the Netherlands
MJ Van der Meulen, JC Doornenbal, JL Gunnink, J Stafleu, J Schokker, ...
Netherlands Journal of Geosciences 92 (4), 217-241, 2013
Classification of paraglacial barrier systems: coastal New England, USA
DM Fitzgerald, S Van Heteren
Sedimentology 46 (6), 1083-1108, 1999
Optical dating of dune sand for the study of sea-level change
S van Heteren, DJ Huntley, O van de Plassche, RK Lubberts
Geology 28 (5), 411-414, 2000
Shoreline processes and damage resulting from the Halloween Eve storm of 1991 along the north and south shores of Massachusetts Bay, USA
DM FitzGerald, S van Heteren, TM Montello
Journal of Coastal Research, 113-132, 1994
Development and preservation of a mid-Holocene tidal-channel network offshore the western Netherlands
R Rieu, S van Heteren, AJF Van Der Spek, PL De Boer
Journal of Sedimentary Research 75 (3), 409-419, 2005
Extracting storm-surge data from coastal dunes for improved assessment of flood risk
AC Cunningham, MAJ Bakker, S Van Heteren, B Van Der Valk, ...
Geology 39 (11), 1063-1066, 2011
The distribution of macrozoobenthos in the southern North Sea in relation to meso-scale bedforms
MJ Baptist, J van Dalfsen, A Weber, S Passchier, S van Heteren
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 68 (3-4), 538-546, 2006
Influence of relative sea-level change and tidal-inlet development on barrier-spit stratigraphy, Sandy Neck, Massachusetts
S Van Heteren, O Van de Plassche
Journal of Sedimentary Research 67 (2), 350-363, 1997
Influence of organic matter in soils on radar-wave reflection: Sedimentological implications
RL van Dam, EH van den Berg, S van Heteren, C Kasse, JAM Kenter, ...
Journal of sedimentary research 72 (3), 341-352, 2002
Volumetric analysis of a New England barrier system using ground-penetrating-radar and coring techniques
S van Heteren, DM FitzGerald, DC Barber, JT Kelley, DF Belknap
The Journal of Geology 104 (4), 471-483, 1996
Benthic habitat variations over tidal ridges, North Sea, the Netherlands
TAGP van Dijk, JA van Dalfsen, V Van Lancker, RA van Overmeeren, ...
Seafloor geomorphology as benthic habitat, 241-249, 2012
Sand budgets at geological, historical and contemporary time scales for a developed beach system, Saco Bay, Maine, USA
JT Kelley, DC Barber, DF Belknap, DM FitzGerald, S van Heteren, ...
Marine Geology 214 (1-3), 117-142, 2005
New England barriers
DM FitzGerald, PS Rosen, S van Heteren
Geology of Holocene barrier island systems, 305-394, 1994
Picking up the pieces—harmonising and collating seabed substrate data for European maritime areas
AM Kaskela, AT Kotilainen, U Alanen, R Cooper, S Green, J Guinan, ...
Geosciences 9 (2), 84, 2019
The Usumacinta-Grijalva beach-ridge plain in southern Mexico: a high-resolution archive of river discharge and precipitation
K Nooren, WZ Hoek, T Winkels, A Huizinga, H Van der Plicht, ...
Earth Surface Dynamics Discussions 2017, 1-44, 2017
Recent coastal dune development: effects of sand nourishments
MAJ Bakker, S van Heteren, LM Vonhögen, AJF van der Spek, ...
Journal of Coastal Research 28 (3), 587-601, 2012
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