I belong, therefore, I exist: Ingroup identification, ingroup entitativity, and ingroup bias E Castano, V Yzerbyt, MP Paladino, S Sacchi Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 28 (2), 135-143, 2002 | 725 | 2002 |
Looking for honesty: The primary role of morality (vs. sociability and competence) in information gathering M Brambilla, P Rusconi, S Sacchi, P Cherubini European journal of social psychology 41 (2), 135-143, 2011 | 668 | 2011 |
You want to give a good impression? Be honest! Moral traits dominate group impression formation M Brambilla, S Sacchi, P Rusconi, P Cherubini, VY Yzerbyt British journal of social psychology 51 (1), 149-166, 2012 | 366 | 2012 |
Morality and intergroup relations: Threats to safety and group image predict the desire to interact with outgroup and ingroup members M Brambilla, S Sacchi, S Pagliaro, N Ellemers Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 49 (5), 811-821, 2013 | 287 | 2013 |
Trust predicts COVID-19 prescribed and discretionary behavioral intentions in 23 countries S Pagliaro, S Sacchi, MG Pacilli, M Brambilla, F Lionetti, K Bettache, ... PloS one 16 (3), e0248334, 2021 | 254 | 2021 |
The primacy of morality in impression development: Theory, research, and future directions M Brambilla, S Sacchi, P Rusconi, GP Goodwin Advances in experimental social psychology 64, 187-262, 2021 | 180 | 2021 |
The perception of the other in international relations: Evidence for the polarizing effect of entitativity E Castano, S Sacchi, PH Gries Political psychology 24 (3), 449-468, 2003 | 178 | 2003 |
Initial impressions determine behaviours: Morality predicts the willingness to help newcomers S Pagliaro, M Brambilla, S Sacchi, M D’Angelo, N Ellemers Journal of Business Ethics 117, 37-44, 2013 | 118 | 2013 |
Changing impressions: Moral character dominates impression updating M Brambilla, L Carraro, L Castelli, S Sacchi Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 82, 64-73, 2019 | 112 | 2019 |
Myopic about climate change: Cognitive style, psychological distance, and environmentalism S Sacchi, P Riva, A Aceto Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 65, 68-73, 2016 | 92 | 2016 |
The effects of status on perceived warmth and competence M Brambilla, S Sacchi, F Castellini, P Riva Social Psychology, 2010 | 92 | 2010 |
Humanizing machines: Anthropomorphization of slot machines increases gambling. P Riva, S Sacchi, M Brambilla Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 21 (4), 313, 2015 | 70 | 2015 |
The effect of school design on users’ responses: a systematic review (2008–2017) S Manca, V Cerina, V Tobia, S Sacchi, F Fornara Sustainability 12 (8), 3453, 2020 | 66 | 2020 |
Perceiving one's nation: Entitativity, agency and security in the international arena S Sacchi, E Castano, M Brauer International Journal of Psychology 44 (5), 321-332, 2009 | 64 | 2009 |
Impact of idiopathic epilepsy on mothers and fathers: strain, burden of care, worries and perception of vulnerability G Ramaglia, A Romeo, M Viri, M Lodi, S Sacchi, G Cioffi Epilepsia 48 (9), 1810-1814, 2007 | 64 | 2007 |
Honesty and dishonesty don’t move together: Trait content information influences behavioral synchrony M Brambilla, S Sacchi, M Menegatti, S Moscatelli Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 40, 171-186, 2016 | 58 | 2016 |
Gender effects in pain detection: Speed and accuracy in decoding female and male pain expressions P Riva, S Sacchi, L Montali, A Frigerio European Journal of Pain 15 (9), 985. e1-985. e11, 2011 | 57 | 2011 |
The influence of classroom seating arrangement on children’s cognitive processes in primary school: the role of individual variables V Tobia, S Sacchi, V Cerina, S Manca, F Fornara Current Psychology 41 (9), 6522-6533, 2022 | 40 | 2022 |
Moral reasoning and climate change mitigation: The deontological reaction toward the market-based approach S Sacchi, P Riva, M Brambilla, M Grasso Journal of Environmental Psychology 38, 252-261, 2014 | 39 | 2014 |
When mother earth rises up S Sacchi, P Riva, M Brambilla Social Psychology, 2013 | 37 | 2013 |