Anton Boehm
Anton Boehm
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Cited by
Cited by
U-Net: deep learning for cell counting, detection, and morphometry
T Falk, D Mai, R Bensch, Ö Çiçek, A Abdulkadir, Y Marrakchi, A Böhm, ...
Nature methods 16 (1), 67-70, 2019
Gland segmentation in colon histology images: The glas challenge contest
K Sirinukunwattana, JPW Pluim, H Chen, X Qi, PA Heng, YB Guo, ...
Medical image analysis 35, 489-502, 2017
Amotl2a interacts with the Hippo effector Yap1 and the Wnt/β-catenin effector Lef1 to control tissue size in zebrafish
S Agarwala, S Duquesne, K Liu, A Boehm, L Grimm, S Link, S König, ...
Elife 4, e08201, 2015
Author Correction: U-Net: deep learning for cell counting, detection, and morphometry
T Falk, D Mai, R Bensch, Ö Çiçek, A Abdulkadir, Y Marrakchi, A Böhm, ...
Nature Methods 16 (4), 351-351, 2019
ISOODL: Instance segmentation of overlapping biological objects using deep learning
A Böhm, A Ücker, T Jäger, O Ronneberger, T Falk
2018 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2018 …, 2018
ISOOV2 DL - Semantic Instance Segmentation of Touching and Overlapping Objects
A Böhm, M Tatarchenko, T Falk
2019 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2019 …, 2019
Ko nig S, Eimer S, Ronneberger O, Lecaudey V. 2015. Amotl2a interacts with the hippo effector Yap1 and the wnt/b-catenin effector Lef1 to control tissue size in zebrafish
S Agarwala, S Duquesne, K Liu, A Boehm, L Grimm, S Link
Elife 4, e08201, 0
Diskmask: Focusing Object Features for Accurate Instance Segmentation of Elongated or Overlapping Objects
A Böhm, N Mayer, T Brox
2020 IEEE 17th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 230-234, 2020
Instance Segmentation of Microscopy Images
A Böhm
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg im Breisgau, 2021
instance segmentation of microscopy images: development of deep learning image analysis tools
A Böhm
Dissertation, Universität Freiburg, 2021, 0
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Articles 1–10