Joseph S. Shapiro
Joseph S. Shapiro
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Cited by
Adapting to climate change: The remarkable decline in the US temperature-mortality relationship over the twentieth century
A Barreca, K Clay, O Deschenes, M Greenstone, JS Shapiro
Journal of Political Economy 124 (1), 105-159, 2016
Why is pollution from US manufacturing declining? The roles of environmental regulation, productivity, and trade
JS Shapiro, R Walker
American Economic Review 108 (12), 3814-3854, 2018
Defensive investments and the demand for air quality: Evidence from the NOx budget program
O Deschenes, M Greenstone, JS Shapiro
American Economic Review 107 (10), 2958-2989, 2017
Globalization and the role of public transfers in redistributing income in Latin America and the Caribbean
E Skoufias, K Lindert, J Shapiro
World Development 38 (6), 895-907, 2010
Consequences of the Clean Water Act and the demand for water quality
DA Keiser, JS Shapiro
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 134 (1), 349-396, 2019
The benefits of delayed primary school enrollment: Discontinuity estimates using exact birth dates
PJ McEwan, JS Shapiro
Journal of human Resources 43 (1), 1-29, 2008
The Environmental Bias of Trade Policy
JS Shapiro
Quarterly Journal of Economics 136 (2), 831-886, 2021
Community-based production of open-source software: What do we know about the developers who participate?
PA David, JS Shapiro
Information Economics and Policy 20 (4), 364-398, 2008
Trade Costs, CO2, and the Environment
JS Shapiro
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 8 (4), 220-254, 2016
Energy cost pass-through in US manufacturing: Estimates and implications for carbon taxes
S Ganapati, JS Shapiro, R Walker
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 12 (2), 303-342, 2020
Moving on, staying behind, getting lost: Lessons on poverty mobility from longitudinal data
S Dercon, JS Shapiro
Moving out of Poverty 1, 77-126, 2007
Globalization and the Environment
BR Copeland, JS Shapiro, MS Taylor
Handbook of International Economics 6, 61-146, 2022
The low but uncertain measured benefits of US water quality policy
DA Keiser, CL Kling, JS Shapiro
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (12), 5262-5269, 2019
Convergence in adaptation to climate change: Evidence from high temperatures and mortality, 1900-2004
A Barreca, K Clay, O Deschênes, M Greenstone, JS Shapiro
American Economic Review 105 (5), 247-51, 2015
US water pollution regulation over the past half century: burning waters to crystal springs?
DA Keiser, JS Shapiro
Journal of Economic Perspectives 33 (4), 51-75, 2019
Regulating mismeasured pollution: Implications of firm heterogeneity for environmental policy
E Lyubich, JS Shapiro, R Walker
AEA Papers and Proceedings 108, 136-142, 2018
Is Air Pollution Regulation Too Lenient? Evidence from US Offset Markets
JS Shapiro, R Walker
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020
Regulating untaxable externalities: Are vehicle air pollution standards effective and efficient?
MR Jacobsen, JM Sallee, JS Shapiro, AA Van Benthem
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 138 (3), 1907-1976, 2023
Pollution trends and US environmental policy: Lessons from the past half century
JS Shapiro
Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 16 (1), 42-61, 2022
Where is pollution moving? Environmental markets and environmental justice
JS Shapiro, R Walker
AEA papers and proceedings 111, 410-414, 2021
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