Renata Teixeira
Renata Teixeira
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Traffic classification on the fly
L Bernaille, R Teixeira, I Akodkenou, A Soule, K Salamatian
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 36 (2), 23-26, 2006
Avoiding traceroute anomalies with Paris traceroute
B Augustin, X Cuvellier, B Orgogozo, F Viger, T Friedman, M Latapy, ...
Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement, 153-158, 2006
Early application identification
L Bernaille, R Teixeira, K Salamatian
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM CoNEXT conference, 6, 2006
Broadband internet performance: a view from the gateway
S Sundaresan, W De Donato, N Feamster, R Teixeira, S Crawford, ...
ACM SIGCOMM computer communication review 41 (4), 134-145, 2011
Early recognition of encrypted applications
L Bernaille, R Teixeira
International Conference on Passive and Active Network Measurement, 165-175, 2007
Exploiting innocuous activity for correlating users across sites
O Goga, H Lei, SHK Parthasarathi, G Friedland, R Sommer, R Teixeira
Proceedings of the 22nd international conference on World Wide Web, 447-458, 2013
Dynamics of hot-potato routing in IP networks
R Teixeira, A Shaikh, T Griffin, J Rexford
Proceedings of the joint international conference on Measurement and …, 2004
In search of path diversity in ISP networks
R Teixeira, K Marzullo, S Savage, GM Voelker
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGCOMM Conference on Internet Measurement, 313-318, 2003
NetDiagnoser: Troubleshooting network unreachabilities using end-to-end probes and routing data
A Dhamdhere, R Teixeira, C Dovrolis, C Diot
Proceedings of the 2007 ACM CoNEXT conference, 1-12, 2007
Measuring load-balanced paths in the Internet
B Augustin, T Friedman, R Teixeira
Proceedings of the 7th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement, 149-160, 2007
On the reliability of profile matching across large online social networks
O Goga, P Loiseau, R Sommer, R Teixeira, KP Gummadi
Proceedings of the 21th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2015
Characterizing and measuring path diversity of internet topologies
R Teixeira, K Marzullo, S Savage, GM Voelker
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 31 (1), 304-305, 2003
Measuring multipath routing in the internet
B Augustin, T Friedman, R Teixeira
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 19 (3), 830-840, 2010
Network sensitivity to hot-potato disruptions
R Teixeira, A Shaikh, T Griffin, GM Voelker
Proceedings of the 2004 conference on Applications, technologies …, 2004
Community contribution award--Measuring and mitigating web performance bottlenecks in broadband access networks
S Sundaresan, N Feamster, R Teixeira, N Magharei
Proceedings of the 2013 conference on Internet measurement conference, 213-226, 2013
A measurement framework for pin-pointing routing changes
R Teixeira, J Rexford
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM workshop on Network troubleshooting: research …, 2004
Inferring streaming video quality from encrypted traffic: Practical models and deployment experience
F Bronzino, P Schmitt, S Ayoubi, G Martins, R Teixeira, N Feamster
Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems 3 (3 …, 2019
Traffic matrix reloaded: Impact of routing changes
R Teixeira, N Duffield, J Rexford, M Roughan
Passive and Active Network Measurement: 6th International Workshop, PAM 2005 …, 2005
Explaining packet delays under virtualization
J Whiteaker, F Schneider, R Teixeira
ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 41 (1), 38-44, 2011
Method for tunable inter domain egress selection
T Griffin, M Resende, J Rexford, R Teixeira
US Patent 7,581,022, 2009
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Articles 1–20