Pamela Giselle Katic
Pamela Giselle Katic
Social Scientist, Natural Resources Institute, University of Greenwich
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Realizing resilience for decision-making
RQ Grafton, L Doyen, C Béné, E Borgomeo, K Brooks, L Chu, ...
Nature Sustainability 2 (10), 907-913, 2019
Responding to global challenges in food, energy, environment and water: Risks and options assessment for decision‐making
RQ Grafton, M McLindin, K Hussey, P Wyrwoll, D Wichelns, C Ringler, ...
Asia & the Pacific Policy Studies 3 (2), 275-299, 2016
Cognitive skills, gender and risk preferences
AL Booth, P Katic
Economic Record 89 (284), 19-30, 2013
Estimating the wage elasticity of labour supply to a firm: What evidence is there for monopsony?
AL Booth, P Katic
Economic Record 87 (278), 359-369, 2011
Rice and irrigation in West Africa: Achieving food security with agricultural water management strategies
PG Katic, RE Namara, L Hope, E Owusu, H Fujii
Water Resources and Economics 1, 75-92, 2013
Men at work in a land Down‐Under: Testing some predictions of human capital theory
AL Booth, P Katic
British Journal of Industrial Relations 49 (1), 1-24, 2011
Top Wealth Shares in A ustralia 1915–2012
P Katic, A Leigh
Review of Income and Wealth 62 (2), 209-222, 2016
Optimal groundwater extraction under uncertainty: resilience versus economic payoffs
P Katic, RQ Grafton
Journal of Hydrology 406 (3-4), 215-224, 2011
Economic and spatial modelling of groundwater extraction
PG Katic, RQ Grafton
Hydrogeology Journal 20 (5), 831-834, 2012
Rethinking hierarchies of evidence for sustainable food systems
Nature Food 2 (11), 843-845, 2021
Validation of a life-logging wearable camera method and the 24-h diet recall method for assessing maternal and child dietary diversity
ALS Bulungu, L Palla, J Priebe, L Forsythe, P Katic, G Varley, BD Galinda, ...
British Journal of Nutrition 125 (11), 1299-1309, 2021
Mainstreaming biodiversity in business decisions: Taking stock of tools and gaps
PG Katic, S Cerretelli, J Haggar, T Santika, C Walsh
Biological Conservation 277, 109831, 2023
Beef value chain analysis in Zimbabwe
B Bennett, M Figué, M Vigne, C Chakoma, P Katic
European Union, 2019
Risk aversion in agricultural water management investments in Northern Ghana: experimental evidence
P Katic, T Ellis
Agricultural Economics 49 (5), 575-586, 2018
Realizing resilience for decision-making. Nat Sustain 2, 907–913
RQ Grafton, L Doyen, C Béné, E Borgomeo, K Brooks, L Chu, ...
Targeting investments in small-scale groundwater irrigation using Bayesian networks for a data-scarce river basin in Sub-Saharan Africa
P Katic, J Morris
Environmental modelling & software 82, 44-72, 2016
Winners and losers: Exploring the differential impacts of agricultural expansion in Ethiopia and Ghana
NP Jellason, EJZ Robinson, P Katic, JE Davies, AJM Devenish, JYT Po, ...
Current Research in Environmental Sustainability 4, 100176, 2022
Cognitive Skills
A Booth, P Katic
Gender and Risk Preferences, IZA DP 6997, 2012
Impacts of small built infrastructure in inland valleys in Burkina Faso and Mali: Rationale for a systems approach that thinks beyond rice?
P Katic, J Lautze, RE Namara
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 76, 83-97, 2014
Dry spells and evidence for scaling of agricultural water management and smallholder irrigation in northern Ghana
OO Cofie, Z Adimassu, ML Mul, F Kizito, P Katic, RK Appoh, J Barron
International Water Management Institute, 2017
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Articles 1–20