Peter J. Benda
Peter J. Benda
Cog Res, Human Risk Solutions
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Cited by
Population‐level effects of automated smoking cessation help programs: a randomized controlled trial
R Borland, J Balmford, P Benda
Addiction 108 (3), 618-628, 2013
Patterns of use of an automated interactive personalized coaching program for smoking cessation
J Balmford, R Borland, P Benda
Journal of medical Internet research 10 (5), e1016, 2008
Towards a framework for designing speech-based player interaction in multiplayer online games
G Wadley, MR Gibbs, P Benda
Proceedings of the 2nd Australasian conference on interactive entertainment …, 2005
Speaking in character: using voice-over-IP to communicate within MMORPGs
G Wadley, M Gibbs, P Benda
Proceedings of the 4th Australasian conference on Interactive entertainment, 1-8, 2007
Factors associated with use of automated smoking cessation interventions: findings from the eQuit study
J Balmford, R Borland, P Benda, S Howard
Health Education Research 28 (2), 288-299, 2013
Proximity-based chat in a first person shooter: using a novel voice communication system for online play
M Gibbs, G Wadley, P Benda
Proceedings of the 3rd Australasian conference on Interactive entertainment …, 2006
"heh - keeps me off the smokes..." probing technology support for personal change
C Graham, P Benda, S Howard, J Balmford, N Bishop, R Borland
Proceedings of the 18th Australia Conference on Computer-Human Interaction …, 2006
User Assessment as Input for Useful Geospatial Representations within Mobile Location‐Based Services
K Wealands, P Benda, S Miller, WE Cartwright
Transactions in GIS 11 (2), 283-309, 2007
Towards a dynamic model of adaptation to technological change
PJ Benda, PM Sanderson
Proceedings 1998 Australasian Computer Human Interaction Conference. OzCHI …, 1998
New technology and work practice: Modelling change with cognitive work analysis
PJ Benda, PM Sanderson
Human-Computer Interaction-Interact'99, 566-573, 1999
Ensuring useful cartographic representations in location-based services
K Urquhart, W Cartwright, S Miller, K Mitchell, C Quirion, P Benda
Proceedings 21st International Cartographic Conference, 10-16, 2003
Happy coincidences in designing for social connectedness and play through opportunistic image capture
S Ashkanasy, P Benda, F Vetere
Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Designing for User Experiences, 2-18, 2007
Lessons from failure: re-conceiving blogging as personal change support
C Graham, C Satchell, M Rouncefield, J Balmford, P Benda
Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Designing for User eXperiences, 2-17, 2007
Bridging the intergenerational divide: implications of employing cultural probes in distributed homes
H Davis, P Francis, P Benda, M Gibbs, S Howard, F Vetere
Proceedings OzChi, 2005
Representation of changes to anesthesia work domain and activity structures
PJ Benda, PM Sanderson
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 43 (8 …, 1999
Exploring sequential data: commentary on Bowers, Jentsch, Salas, and Braun (1998)
PM Sanderson, PJ Benda
Human Factors 40 (4), 680-684, 1998
User assessment for developing optimal cartographic representation models within an Australian mobile location-based services travel application
K Wealands, W Cartwright, S Miller, P Benda
International Cartographic Association, A Coruna, 2005
‘Time’and the Design of Familial Social Connectivity Systems
H Davis, S Ashkanasy, P Benda, M Gibbs, F Vetere
SIMTech: Proceedings of the International Workshop on Social Interaction and …, 2007
A special kind of intimacy: sustaining sociability with ubiquitous computing for the inter-generational family
P Benda, H Davis, P Francis, MR Gibbs, S Howard, G Langdale, J Kay, ...
Swinburne, 2005
Extending the preventive engineering paradigm to the analysis and design of discrete product manufacturing systems: the role of functional integration in the production of …
PJ Benda
University of Toronto, 1997
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Articles 1–20