Gregor Rainer
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Cited by
Integration of what and where in the primate prefrontal cortex
SC Rao, G Rainer, EK Miller
Science 276 (5313), 821-824, 1997
Neural mechanisms for detecting and remembering novel events
C Ranganath, G Rainer
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 4 (3), 193-202, 2003
Selective representation of relevant information by neurons in the primate prefrontal cortex
G Rainer, WF Asaad, EK Miller
Nature 393 (6685), 577-578, 1998
Neural activity in the primate prefrontal cortex during associative learning
WF Asaad, G Rainer, EK Miller
Neuron 21 (6), 1399-1407, 1998
Task-specific neural activity in the primate prefrontal cortex
WF Asaad, G Rainer, EK Miller
Journal of neurophysiology 84 (1), 451-459, 2000
Prospective coding for objects in primate prefrontal cortex
G Rainer, SC Rao, EK Miller
Journal of Neuroscience 19 (13), 5493-5505, 1999
Phase locking of single neuron activity to theta oscillations during working memory in monkey extrastriate visual cortex
H Lee, GV Simpson, NK Logothetis, G Rainer
Neuron 45 (1), 147-156, 2005
The zebrafish heart regenerates after cryoinjury-induced myocardial infarction
F Chablais, J Veit, G Rainer, A Jaźwińska
BMC developmental biology 11, 1-13, 2011
Memory fields of neurons in the primate prefrontal cortex
G Rainer, WF Asaad, EK Miller
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95 (25), 15008, 1998
Theta coupling between V4 and prefrontal cortex predicts visual short-term memory performance
S Liebe, GM Hoerzer, NK Logothetis, G Rainer
Nature neuroscience 15 (3), 456-462, 2012
Effects of visual experience on the representation of objects in the prefrontal cortex
G Rainer, EK Miller
Neuron 27 (1), 179-189, 2000
The effect of a serotonin-induced dissociation between spiking and perisynaptic activity on BOLD functional MRI
A Rauch, G Rainer, NK Logothetis
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (18), 6759-6764, 2008
The effect of learning on the function of monkey extrastriate visual cortex
G Rainer, H Lee, NK Logothetis
PLoS biology 2 (2), e44, 2004
Timecourse of object‐related neural activity in the primate prefrontal cortex during a short‐term memory task
G Rainer, EK Miller
European Journal of Neuroscience 15 (7), 1244-1254, 2002
Temporal kernel CCA and its application in multimodal neuronal data analysis
F Bießmann, FC Meinecke, A Gretton, A Rauch, G Rainer, NK Logothetis, ...
Machine learning 79 (1), 5-27, 2010
Nonmonotonic noise tuning of BOLD fMRI signal to natural images in the visual cortex of the anesthetized monkey
G Rainer, M Augath, T Trinath, NK Logothetis
Current Biology 11 (11), 846-854, 2001
Capillary hydrophilic interaction chromatography/mass spectrometry for simultaneous determination of multiple neurotransmitters in primate cerebral cortex
X Zhang, A Rauch, H Lee, H Xiao, G Rainer, NK Logothetis
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry: An International Journal Devoted …, 2007
Dissociation between local field potentials and spiking activity in macaque inferior temporal cortex reveals diagnosticity-based encoding of complex objects
KJ Nielsen, NK Logothetis, G Rainer
Journal of Neuroscience 26 (38), 9639-9645, 2006
Basal forebrain contributes to default mode network regulation
J Nair, AL Klaassen, J Arato, AL Vyssotski, M Harvey, G Rainer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (6), 1352-1357, 2018
Mice lacking circadian clock components display different mood-related behaviors and do not respond uniformly to chronic lithium treatment
A Schnell, F Sandrelli, V Ranc, JA Ripperger, E Brai, L Alberi, G Rainer, ...
Chronobiology international 32 (8), 1075-1089, 2015
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