Elexa St John-Saaltink
Elexa St John-Saaltink
Radboud University, Donders Centre for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour
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GABA shapes the dynamics of bistable perception
AM van Loon, T Knapen, HS Scholte, E St John-Saaltink, TH Donner, ...
Current Biology 23 (9), 823-827, 2013
Serial dependence in perceptual decisions is reflected in activity patterns in primary visual cortex
E St John-Saaltink, P Kok, HC Lau, FP De Lange
Journal of Neuroscience 36 (23), 6186-6192, 2016
Expectation suppression in early visual cortex depends on task set
E St John-Saaltink, C Utzerath, P Kok, HC Lau, FP De Lange
PLoS One 10 (6), e0131172, 2015
Repetition suppression to objects is modulated by stimulus-specific expectations
C Utzerath, E St John-Saaltink, J Buitelaar, FP de Lange
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 8781, 2017
Time-resolved fMRI tracks attention through the visual field
P Scalf, E St John-Saaltink, M Barth, H Lau, F De Lange
Journal of Vision 16 (12), 907-907, 2016
When the past influences the present: Modulations of the sensory response by prior knowledge and task set
E St John-Saaltink
Radboud University Nijmegen, 2016
The quantum nature of attention: a time-resolved fMRI study
P Scalf, E St John-Saaltink, H Lau, F De Lange
PERCEPTION 42, 62-63, 2013
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