William Pettersson
Cited by
Cited by
Regina: Software for 3-manifold topology and normal surface theory
BA Burton, R Budney, W Pettersson
Licensed under GPLv2 2013, 1999
Modelling and Optimisation in European Kidney Exchange Programmes
P Biró, J van de Klundert, D Manlove, W Pettersson, T Andersson, ...
European Journal of Operational Research, 2019
Cycle decompositions V: Complete graphs into cycles of arbitrary lengths
D Bryant, D Horsley, W Pettersson
Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 108 (5), 1153-1192, 2014
Mathematical models for stable matching problems with ties and incomplete lists
M Delorme, S García, J Gondzio, J Kalcsics, D Manlove, W Pettersson
European Journal of Operational Research 277 (2), 426-441, 2019
Improved instance generation for kidney exchange programmes
M Delorme, S García, J Gondzio, J Kalcsics, D Manlove, W Pettersson, ...
Computers & Operations Research 141, 105707, 2022
New algorithms for hierarchical optimisation in kidney exchange programmes
M Delorme, S García, J Gondzio, J Kalcsics, D Manlove, W Pettersson
Technical report ERGO 20–005, Edinburgh Research Group in Optimization, 2020
Bipartite 2‐Factorizations of Complete Multipartite Graphs
D Bryant, P Danziger, W Pettersson
Journal of Graph Theory 78 (4), 287-294, 2015
Fixed Parameter Tractable Algorithms in Combinatorial Topology
BA Burton, W Pettersson
Computing and Combinatorics: 20th International Conference, COCOON 2014 …, 2014
Improving solution times for stable matching problems through preprocessing
W Pettersson, M Delorme, S García, J Gondzio, J Kalcsics, D Manlove
Computers & Operations Research 128, 105128, 2021
Compensation scheme with Shapley value for multi-country kidney exchange programmes
P Biró, M Gyetvai, X Klimentova, JP Pedroso, W Pettersson, A Viana
European Council for Modelling and Simulation (ECMS), 2020
Improved inference for areal unit count data using graph-based optimisation
D Lee, K Meeks, W Pettersson
Statistics and Computing 31 (4), 1-17, 2021
CARBayesST: spatio-temporal generalised linear mixed models for areal unit data
D Lee, A Rushworth, G Napier, W Pettersson
R package version 2, 2015
A parallel approach to bi-objective integer programming
W Pettersson, M Ozlen
ANZIAM Journal 58, 69-81, 2017
Bounds on the twin-width of product graphs
W Pettersson, J Sylvester
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 25 (Graph Theory), 2023
Directed branch-width: A directed analogue of tree-width
BM Bumpus, K Meeks, W Pettersson
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.08903, 2020
Multi-objective mixed integer programming: An objective space algorithm
W Pettersson, M Ozlen
AIP Conference Proceedings 2070 (1), 020039, 2019
Multi-objective integer programming: Synergistic parallel approaches
W Pettersson, M Ozlen
INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2019
The Parameterized Complexity of Finding a 2-Sphere in a Simplicial Complex
B Burton, S Cabello, S Kratsch, W Pettersson
LIPIcs-Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics 66, 2017
Stability in the Hospitals/Residents problem with Couples and Ties: Mathematical models and computational studies
M Delorme, S García, J Gondzio, J Kalcsics, D Manlove, W Pettersson
Omega, 102386, 2020
Regina: Software for low-dimensional topology, 1999–2019
BA Burton, R Budney, W Pettersson
URL: http://regina-normal. github. io, 0
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Articles 1–20