Kazi Farzan Ahmed
Kazi Farzan Ahmed
Principal Scientist, Verisk
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Cited by
Statistical downscaling and bias correction of climate model outputs for climate change impact assessment in the US northeast
KF Ahmed, G Wang, J Silander, AM Wilson, JM Allen, R Horton, R Anyah
Global and Planetary Change 100, 320-332, 2013
Potential impact of climate change on cereal crop yield in West Africa
KF Ahmed, G Wang, M Yu, J Koo, L You
Climatic Change 133 (2), 321-334, 2015
Future changes of the terrestrial ecosystem based on a dynamic vegetation model driven with RCP8. 5 climate projections from 19 GCMs
M Yu, G Wang, D Parr, KF Ahmed
Climatic Change 127 (2), 257-271, 2014
The role of climate in the trend and variability of Ethiopia's cereal crop yields
M Yang, G Wang, KF Ahmed, B Adugna, M Eggen, E Atsbeha, L You, ...
Science of The Total Environment, 137893, 2020
Potential impact of climate and socioeconomic changes on future agricultural land use in West Africa
KF Ahmed, GL Wang, LZ You, M Yu
Earth System Dynamics, doi:10.5194/esd-7-151-2016, 151-165, 2016
Green-up of deciduous forest communities of northeastern North America in response to climate variation and climate change
Y Xie, KF Ahmed, JM Allen, AM Wilson, JA Silander Jr
Landscape Ecology 30 (1), 109-123, 2015
Hydrological changes in the US Northeast using the Connecticut River Basin as a case study: Part 2. Projections of the future
D Parr, G Wang, KF Ahmed
Global and Planetary Change 133, 167-175, 2015
Modeling climate change: perspective and applications in the context of Bangladesh
MJB Alam, F Ahmed
Indian Ocean Tropical Cyclones and Climate Change, 15-23, 2010
Projecting regional climate and cropland changes using a linked biogeophysical‐socioeconomic modeling framework: 1. Model description and an equilibrium application over West …
G Wang, KF Ahmed, L You, M Yu, J Pal, Z Ji
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2017
Projecting regional climate and cropland changes using a linked biogeophysical‐socioeconomic modeling framework: 2. Transient dynamics
KF Ahmed, G Wang, L You, R Anyah, C Zhang, A Burnicki
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 2017
Crop Modeling in the Insurance Sector: Beyond the Limits of Forecasting
J Chen, J Amthor, S Acharya, J Borman, KF Ahmed, Y Ge, L Muir, Y Mo, ...
100th American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, 2020
In-season rice yield prediction for India through machine learning and ensemble analysis
Y Mo, JS Amthor, KF Ahmed
AGUFM 2019, B52A-04, 2019
Climate Change Impact on Agricultural Land Use in West Africa and Its Implication on Regional Climate Projection
KF Ahmed
Implication of Agricultural Land Use Change on Regional Climate Projection
G Wang, KF Ahmed, L You
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2015
Mechanisms Linking Land Use and Regional Climate Changes in West Africa
G Wang, KF Ahmed, M Yu, Z JI, JS Pal
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1, 02, 2014
Potential Impacts of Projected Mid-twenty-first Century Climate Change on the Hydrology of the Nasia Catchment, West Africa
CA Alo, FM Oteng, MM Bitew, KF Ahmed, G Wang
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1, 0585, 2014
Regional Climate Change Impact on Agricultural Land Use in West Africa
KF Ahmed, G Wang, L You
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1, 07, 2014
A Spatial Approach to Analyze Crop Sensitivity to Climate Change in Sub-Saharan Africa
KF Ahmed, G Wang, L You, J Koo
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1, 1084, 2013
Interactive Land Use-Climate Change Predictions in West Africa: Preliminary Results
G Wang, KF Ahmed, L You, J Koo
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 1, 02, 2013
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Articles 1–19