Isabelle Pecci
Cited by
Cited by
Creating usable pin array tactons for nonvisual information
T Pietrzak, A Crossan, SA Brewster, B Martin, I Pecci
IEEE Transactions on Haptics 2 (2), 61-72, 2009
Static and dynamic tactile directional cues experiments with VTPlayer mouse
T Pietrzak, I Pecci, B Martin
Proceedings of the Eurohaptics conference (Eurohaptics 2006), 63-68, 2006
The MICOLE architecture: multimodal support for inclusion of visually impaired children
T Pietrzak, B Martin, I Pecci, R Saarinen, R Raisamo, J Järvi
Proceedings of the 9th international conference on Multimodal interfaces …, 2007
État de l'art des claviers physiques et logiciels pour la saisie de texte
B Martin, I Pecci
Revue RIHM 8 (2), 2007
Cellular automata in the hyperbolic plane: proposal for a new environment
K Chelghoum, M Margenstern, B Martin, I Pecci
Cellular Automata: 6th International Conference on Cellular Automata for …, 2004
Exploring geometric shapes with touch
T Pietrzak, A Crossan, SA Brewster, B Martin, I Pecci
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2009: 12th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2009
Quality of graphical markers for the needs of eyewear devices
A Kwaśniewska, J Klimiuk-Myszk, J Ruminski, J Forrier, B Martin, I Pecci
2015 8th International Conference on Human System Interaction (HSI), 388-395, 2015
Information display by dragged haptic bumps
T Pietrzak, B Martin, I Pecci
Proceedings of the Enactive conference (Enactive 2005), 2005
Affichage d'informations par des impulsions haptiques
T Pietrzak, B Martin, I Pecci
Proceedings of the 17th Conference on l'Interaction Homme-Machine, 223-226, 2005
Textile: Eyes-free text input on smart glasses using touch enabled textile on the forearm
I Belkacem, I Pecci, B Martin, A Faiola
Human-Computer Interaction–INTERACT 2019: 17th IFIP TC 13 International …, 2019
Palette hyperbolique: un outil pour interagir avec des ensembles de données.
K Chelghoum, M Margenstern, B Martin, I Pecci
IHM, 195-198, 2004
Towards the design of a smart glasses application for micu decision-support: Assessing the human factors impact of data portability & accessibility
A Faiola, I Belkacem, D Bergey, I Pecci, B Martin
Proceedings of the International Symposium on Human Factors and Ergonomics …, 2019
Smart Glasses: A semantic fisheye view on tiled user interfaces
I Belkacem, I Pecci, B Martin
2016 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems …, 2016
WeSlide: gestural text entry for elderly users of interactive television
N Godard, I Pecci, P Isokoski
Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Interactive TV and Video, 55-58, 2013
Locating points in the pentagonal rectangular tiling of the hyperbolic plane
K Chelghoum
SCI 2003, Orlando, FL, July, 2003
Not a tile out of place: Toward creating context-dependent user interfaces on smartglasses
I Pecci, B Martin, I Kacem, I Maamria, S Faye, N Louveton, G Gheorghe, ...
2016 9th International Conference on Human System Interactions (HSI), 497-503, 2016
Active and dynamic graphical code for object identification in healthcare
A Bujnowski, M Benoit, M Kaczmarek, P Przystup, J Rumiński, I Pecci
Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics 5, 1631-1639, 2015
Un logiciel d'exploration de schémas de circuits électriques basé sur l'API MICOLE
T Pietrzak, I Pecci, B Martin
Proceedings of the 19th Conference on l'Interaction Homme-Machine, 291-294, 2007
Evaluation d'un logiciel d'exploration de circuits électriques pour déficients visuels
T Pietrzak, N Noble, I Pecci, B Martin
Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs IHM 2006, 2006
Pointing task on smart glasses: Comparison of four interaction techniques
I Belkacem, I Pecci, B Martin
arXiv preprint arXiv:1905.05810, 2019
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Articles 1–20