Georgios Selimis
Georgios Selimis
Security Architect -
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13.2 A 3.7 mW-RX 4.4 mW-TX fully integrated Bluetooth Low-Energy/IEEE802. 15.4/proprietary SoC with an ADPLL-based fast frequency offset compensation in 40nm CMOS
YH Liu, C Bachmann, X Wang, Y Zhang, A Ba, B Busze, M Ding, P Harpe, ...
2015 IEEE international solid-state circuits conference-(ISSCC) digest of …, 2015
Evaluation of 90nm 6T-SRAM as physical unclonable function for secure key generation in wireless sensor nodes
G Selimis, M Konijnenburg, M Ashouei, J Huisken, H de Groot, ...
2011 IEEE International Symposium of Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 567-570, 2011
A lightweight security scheme for wireless body area networks: design, energy evaluation and proposed microprocessor design
G Selimis, L Huang, F Massé, I Tsekoura, M Ashouei, F Catthoor, ...
Journal of medical systems 35 (5), 1289-1298, 2011
A robust SRAM-PUF key generation scheme based on polar codes
B Chen, T Ignatenko, FMJ Willems, R Maes, E van der Sluis, G Selimis
GLOBECOM 2017-2017 IEEE Global Communications Conference, 1-6, 2017
High Performance ASIC Implementation of the SNOW 3G Stream Cipher
P Kitsos, G Selimis, O Koufopavlou
16th International Conference on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI-SoC 2008), 2008
VLSI implementation of the keyed-hash message authentication code for the wireless application protocol
G Selimis, N Sklavos, O Koufopavlou
Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 2003. ICECS 2003. Proceedings of the 2003 …, 2003
Software and hardware issues in smart card technology
G Selimis, A Fournaris, G Kostopoulos, O Koufopavlou
Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE 11 (3), 143-152, 2009
Improved throughput bit-serial multiplier for GF (2^m) fields
GN Selimis, AP Fournaris, HE Michail, O Koufopavlou
Integration, the VLSI journal 42 (2), 217-226, 2009
Optimizing SHA-1 hash function for high throughput with a partial unrolling study
H Michail, A Kakarountas, G Selimis, C Goutis
Integrated Circuit and System Design. Power and Timing Modeling …, 2005
Long-term continuous assessment of SRAM PUF and source of random numbers
R Wang, G Selimis, R Maes, S Goossens
2020 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), 7-12, 2020
Security of helper data schemes for SRAM-PUF in multiple enrollment scenarios
L Kusters, T Ignatenko, FMJ Willems, R Maes, E van der Sluis, G Selimis
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 1803-1807, 2017
High-rate error correction schemes for SRAM-PUFs based on polar codes
B Chen, T Ignatenko, FM Willems, R Maes, E van der Sluis, G Selimis
arXiv preprint arXiv:1701.07320, 2017
Applying low power techniques in AES MixColumn/InvMixColumn transformations
GN Selimis, AP Fournaris, O Koufopavlou
Electronics, Circuits and Systems, 2006. ICECS'06. 13th IEEE International …, 2006
FPGA implementation cost and performance evaluation of IEEE 802.11 protocol encryption security schemes
N Sklavos, G Selimis, O Koufopavlou
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 10 (1), 361, 2005
Measurement and analysis of UWB radio channel for indoor localization in a hospital environment
J Romme, JHC van den Heuvel, G Dolmans, G Selimis, K Philips, ...
2014 IEEE International Conference on Ultra-WideBand (ICUWB), 274-279, 2014
Exploration of cryptographic ASIP designs for wireless sensor nodes
I Tsekoura, G Selimis, J Hulzink, F Catthoor, J Huisken, H de Groot, ...
2010 17th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems …, 2010
Sub-meter UWB localization: Low complexity design and evaluation in a real localization system
G Selimis, J Romme, H Pflug, K Philips, G Dolmans, H de Groot
24th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio …, 2013
Crypto processor for contactless smart cards
G Selimis, N Sklavos, O Koufopavlou
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (IEEE …, 2004
A Low Power Design for Sbox Cryptographic Primitive of Advanced Encryption Standard for Mobile End-Users
GN Selimis, AP Kakarountas, AP Fournaris, A Milidonis, O Koufopavlou
Journal of Low Power Electronics 3 (3), 327-336, 2007
Throughput optimization of the cipher message authentication code
HE Michail, AP Kakarountas, G Selimis, CE Goutis
2007 15th International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, 495-498, 2007
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Articles 1–20