Masoud Malekzadeh
Cited by
Cited by
A machine learning-based algorithm for processing massive data collected from the mechanical components of movable bridges
FN Catbas, M Malekzadeh
Automation in Construction 72, 269-278, 2016
Performance-based structural health monitoring through an innovative hybrid data interpretation framework
M Malekzadeh, G Atia, FN Catbas
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring 5, 287-305, 2015
An integrated approach for structural health monitoring using an in-house built fiber optic system and non-parametric data analysis
M Malekzadeh, M Gul, IB Kwon, N Catbas
Smart Struct. Syst 14 (5), 917-942, 2014
Evaluating various machine learning algorithms for automated inspection of culverts
P Mohammadi, A Rashidi, M Malekzadeh, S Tiwari
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 148, 366-375, 2023
Adaptive behavior of double concave friction pendulum bearing and its advantages over friction pendulum systems
M Malekzadeh, T Taghikhani
SCIENTIA IRANICA 17 (2), 81-88, 2010
Probabilistic analysis of seismically isolated elevated liquid storage tank using multi-phase friction bearing
H Moeindarbari, M Malekzadeh, T Taghikhany
Earthquakes and Structures 6 (1), 111-125, 2014
Multi-stage performance of seismically isolated bridge using triple pendulum bearings
M Malekzadeh, T Taghikhany
Advances in Structural Engineering 15 (7), 1181-1196, 2012
Use of FBG sensors to detect damage from large amount of dynamic measurements
M Malekzadeh, M Gul, FN Catbas
Topics on the Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 1: Proceedings of the …, 2012
Artificial intelligence for PET and SPECT image enhancement
V Balaji, TA Song, M Malekzadeh, P Heidari, J Dutta
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 65 (1), 4-12, 2024
A comparative evaluation of two statistical analysis methods for damage detection using fibre optic sensor data
M Malekzadeh, FN Catbas
International Journal of Reliability and Safety 8 (2-4), 135-155, 2014
Fiber optic sensor installation for monitoring of 4 span model bridge in UCF
IB Kwon, M Malekzadeh, Q Ma, H Gokce, TK Terrell, A Fedotov, ...
Rotating Machinery, Structural Health Monitoring, Shock and Vibration …, 2011
A machine learning framework for automated functionality monitoring of movable bridges
M Malekzadeh, FN Catbas
Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 2: Proceedings of the 34th IMAC, A …, 2016
Application of multivariate statistically based algorithms for civil structures anomaly detection
M Malekzadeh, M Gul, FN Catbas
Topics in Dynamics of Civil Structures, Volume 4: Proceedings of the 31st …, 2013
Movable bridge maintenance monitoring.
FN Catbas, M Malekzadeh, T Khuc
Florida. Dept. of Transportation. Research Center, 2013
A Hybrid Data Interpretation Framework for Automated Performance Monitoring of Infrastructure
M Malekzadeh, G Atia, FN Catbas
Structures Congress 2015, pp. 426-434, 2015
Structural health monitoring using novel sensing technologies and data analysis methods
M Malekzadeh
University of Central Florida, 2014
Unsupervised tau PET image super-resolution using domain adaptation
Z Zhou, A Behzadfar, TA Song, M Malekzadeh, CL Gomez, KA Johnson, ...
2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and …, 2023
Compressed Change Detection for Structural Health Monitoring
O Sarayanibafghi, G Atia, M Malekzadeh, N Catbas
Asilomar 2014 : 48th Annual Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and …, 2015
Application of Two Individual Data-Driven based Change/Damage Detection Methods for Bridge Monitoring
M Malekzadeh, FN Catbas
11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability, June 16-20 …, 2013
Evaluation of seismic response of isolated elevated liquid storage tanks with bi-linear and tri-linear double concave friction pendulum bearings
M Rabiei, M Malekzadeh
11th World Conference on Seismic Isolation, Energy Dissipation and Active …, 2009
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Articles 1–20